Hi there is anyone still on here...I realize it's late BUT HELP is needed please?
Dell says the warranty is done as of January 15 2017
I'm still trying to find out if purchased on a credit card does credit card extend warranty by 1year?
Can someone help with a
Dell Inspiron 17 5000 series 15187231766
P26E 001 model?
Win 8 sticker on back
I have pics of diagnostics screens it says everything is OK
I have turned it on off hard shut off + on still says the following
Preparing automatic repair
Diagnosing YOUR PC
Then black screen
Repeats the same over and over
I've tried the BIOS looks OK
I've unplugged battery plugged in started -same as above
F2 f8 f12 tried
Diagnostics ran ...battery is junk
I have a win 7 Cd here ? No good for this.
No DVD Cd backup items available
I was wishing to fix this up for my 88 year old mom to see things on ..in her care facility. She and other elderly people there would benefit greatly from this laptop in so many ways -lide would be happier for mom.
Can someone be a hero and help me?
This is Jen
Waterloo Ontario Canada
JenFrYrEyesOnly -twitter