but you do realize that any wireless connection is about 1/10th as fast as wired would be. Great wireless transfer is about 10MB/sec while wires can move 10x minimum and possibly up to 100x the data in the same time.
but you do realize that '''any wireless connection is about 1/10th as fast as wired''' would be. Great wireless transfer is about 10MB/sec while wires can move 10x minimum and possibly up to 100x the data in the same time.
Also ''remember not all airport cards are the same.'' there's a wide difference hardware and protocol ''(routers or "base stations" and cards) '' from 80211.A to 802.11N. Antenna(s) and interference on the same band width ''(older "wireless phone handsets" are well know for this)''. Other devices from microwaves to motors can also reduce or cut signals.
Use '''Apllications->Utilities->System Profiler Network''':Airport to find out more about your card. You can also use '''Apllications->Utilities->Network Utility''' and '''Apllications->Utilities->Activity Monitor''' to check card performance.
'''Remember to return and mark accepted the answer that best solves your problem.'''
== Might be bad ==
but you do realize that any wireless connection is about 1/10th as fast as wired would be. Great wireless transfer is about 10MB/sec while wires can move 10x minimum and possibly up to 100x the data in the same time.
Also ''remember not all airport cards are the same.'' there's a wide difference hardware and protocol ''(routers or "base stations" and cards) '' from 80211.A to 802.11N. Antenna(s) and interference on the same band width ''(older "wireless phone handsets" are well know for this)''. Other devices from microwaves to motors can also reduce or cut signals.
Use '''Apllications->Utilities->System Profiler Network''':Airport to find out more about your card. You can also use '''Apllications->Utilities->Network Utility''' and '''Apllications->Utilities->Activity Monitor''' to check card performance.
'''Remember to return and mark accepted the answer that best solves your problem.'''
Good luck,