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원본 게시물 작성자: Steve


Water damaged electronics almost always have issues, but here's what you can try. Do you or a friend or family member have a food dehydrator? That would be your best at-home solution. Remove the batteries and memory card, open up every access panel it has (AV, memory card, etc), and put it in the dehydrator for maybe an hour or so. If you're lucky this will remove all the water from inside the camera. HOWEVER, it won't remove any pollutants that the water may have been carrying (dirt, minerals, bits of organic stuff, etc), nor will it get rid of any corrosion that may have already happened inside the camera.

Once the camera is dry you have a choice: Put the batteries back in, hold your breath, and give it a try, or take it to a camera specialist and have them take it apart and clean everything up. The "make a wish" method is cheaper, but if the camera has particulates or rust in it then powering it up again may cause a short which could damage or destroy your camera's electronics. The camera specialist option is more expensive but even with that there would be no guarantee that your camera isn't ALREADY damaged.

