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원본 게시물 작성자: Stefan Lewis


The Elite 2 Controller is defective by design. It already has a large lawsuit against it for one issue. Overall there are 2 major issues with this controller; (1) the joystick may drift (2) the Bumpers tactile switch buttons are all faulty by design an wont last more then 1-3 months before the fail and stop registering button presses. (There are tons of youtube videos on how to fix these) I myself have found high grade replacement parts for the bumper swtich and joystick and soldered them off and soldered on the new ones. Elite 2 works amazingly now. (Last issue is more personal, but the controller is really noisy with each press of any button, so I remedied that as well) [br]


Verdict: Stop buying Elite 2 Controllers! It doesn’t matter how many to buy new there defective by design.

