It seems I have similar problem. My N8 fell on a floor and jack inlet just broke (as well as jack sorrounding). Nokia Care didn't want to repair it. They said, it's mechanical failure caused by user, so whole phone's main board should be replaced by new, because jack is a part of it. Looking at your picture I doubt it. It seems jack is replaceable.
Guarantee is over as well now (not authorised cover opening!).
That means, I should go to unauthorised service or repair it by myself.
oldturkey03, please share the rights of your repair guide, to allow me download.
Arek, Poznań, Poland
== Update ==
Hi, Oldturkey03,
Thanks for that :o).
THe manual is very clean and clear.
It doesn't say whether AV conenctor is replaceable or not, but while I cna buy it as separate part, I hope it's possible to fix a broken one with new part.
It seems I have similar problem. My N8 fell on a floor and jack inlet just broke (as well as jack sorrounding). Nokia Care didn't want to repair it. They said, it's mechanical failure caused by user, so whole phone's main board should be replaced by new, because jack is a part of it. Looking at your picture I doubt it. It seems jack is replaceable.
Guarantee is over as well now (not authorised cover opening!).
That means, I should go to unauthorised service or repair it by myself.
oldturkey03, please share the rights of your repair guide, to allow me download.
Arek, Poznań, Poland