Well, based upon Zach's experience, I'm going to try and upgrade my 2019 iMac (3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5) to Intel Core i9 9900Kf). I'm planned to open her up anyway, to fit a 4TB Samsung 990 Pro MZ NVMe SSD as well as a 2TB Samsung 870 EVO MZ SATA SSD. I also wanted to renew the thermal paste, so I might as well change the CPU in one go. I'll remove the 70GB of RAM and the internal battery before changing the CPU. Any other tips and tricks I should be aware of?
Well, based upon Zach's experience, I'm going to try and upgrade my 2019 iMac (3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5) to Intel Core i9 9900Kf. I've planned to open her up anyway, to fit a 4TB Samsung 990 Pro MZ NVMe SSD as well as a 2TB Samsung 870 EVO MZ SATA SSD. I also wanted to renew the thermal paste, so I might as well change the CPU in one go. I'll remove the 70GB of RAM and the internal battery before changing the CPU. Any other tips and tricks I should be aware of?
Well, based upon Zach's experience, I'm going to try and upgrade my 2019 iMac (3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5) to Intel Core i9 9900Kf). I'm planned to open her up anyway, to fit a 4TB Samsung 990 Pro MZ NVMe SSD as well as a 2TB Samsung 870 EVO MZ SATA SSD. I also wanted to renew the thermal paste, so I might as well change the CPU in one go. I'll remove the 70GB of RAM and the internal battery before changing the CPU. Any other tips and tricks I should be aware of?