Go to your local thrift store, through a fiver on the counter for replacement jeans to either wear or as a source for a patch
Go to your local thrift store, throw a fiver on the counter for replacement jeans to either wear or as a source for a patch
or take a fashion risk and cut up some other cool shirt or shorts you no longer wear and put on a contrasting patch...you can add more matching patches to other non-holey areas of the jeans to make it look like an intentional fashion statement
or cut them up and repurpose them into shorts or a cool backpack, book bag or whathaveyou
Go to your local thrift store, through a fiver on the counter for replacement jeans to either wear or as a source for a patch
or take a fashion risk and cut up some other cool shirt or shorts you no longer wear and put on a contrasting patch...you can add more matching patches to other non-holey areas of the jeans to make it look like an intentional fashion statement
or cut them up and repurpose them into shorts or a cool backpack, book bag or whathaveyou