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Model A1320 / 8 or 16 GB capacity

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I got oil stuck in the screen!

I accidentally dropped my Ipod Nano 5th generation into a container of oil and now there is oil in the screen. The screen looks very murky but the device still works perfectly. Is there a way to take apart this device and clean out the oil?



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iPod Nano 5th Generation Teardown

If it is not working at all you may want to take it to a repair facility for this. I have never had to get oil off a screen before so I am not sure how to go about that at this time. I would see what you can find by searching Google. You have to be careful what you put on the screen.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you! I just purchased a pry tool to help disassemble the ipod.

Thanks for your suggestion.


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Hannah, this model iPod is a bit of a PITA to open. Follow this guide and read over it plenty of time before working on the iPod. Make sure that you watch the small ribbon cables, I've tore plenty of those in an attempt to work on this model. Once you have it disassembled, clean everything thouroughly with a high grade isopropyl alcohol, BTW while you do have it apart, I would also change the battery so you will not have to open it again. Hope this helps, good luck

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I am trying to pry the top panel off the ipod, however the prying tool isn't prying it open. In fact the prying tool just chipped...... Is there an easier way to open it?

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