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Model A1320 / 8 or 16 GB capacity

157 질문 전체 보기

Can I send you my iPod to fix it?

water damaged partly screen , lost own light , I can see everything when use Flashlight or the sun. audio jack works partly , has low sound in headphone and can not control , also Fm radio not working I think it is audio jack problem . and when I do not use ipod 5 minute , turn off itself and I can turn on only if click menu and up key on the Wheel 10 second. and one more sound it video recording is very low. Can I send you to fix it, and how much it will cost, If you do not do this, and it's worth it to buy a new

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bichunaaa bichunaaa , the very first issue that you need to deal with is the "water damaged partly screen" This model iPod is a bit of a pain to work on. The iPod Nano is a habitual trouble maker with the back light. I know that the 4th and 5th gen are some of the worst ones. Use these guides to work on it. Now, the backlight is actual part of the LCD that may need to be replaced,but the inverter circuit is on the logic board. I have never managed to isolate the coil that is responsible for most failure on the Nanos. To clean the cable and all the connectors and clean the logic board with isopropyl alcohol as outlined on hereAlso, with any submersion, you do want to change the battery as well. If the backlight coil on your logic board got short circuited, that may require a new logic board. If none of this works for you, You may just have to replace the logic board. Hope this helps, good luck.

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iFixit doesn't offer mail in repairs. However, you can fix it yourself if you want.

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Jack Ryan, may be you can give the OP some hints on how to further trouble shoot and what needs to be repaired.

Yes, thank you. I think that there is an issue with the screen backlight, so replace the display. You are probably right about the headphone jack, and you may have a broken microphone, and there might be a problem with the logic board. I think it might be worth it to buy a new one.

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bichunaaa bichunaaa 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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