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Laptop stuck on " Preparing Automatic Repair " during start up.

Laptop: HP Pavilion 14-b109wm.

Running Windows 8.

My father's laptop isn't working. When you turn it on it starts to load Windows 8, but only says "Preparing Automatic Repair" then goes to a black screen.

I tried holding the power button for 20sec, but there was no change during start up.

I restarted again and tried holding F9, F5, F10 to try and run a self diagnostic test, but that didn't work either.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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댓글 38개

I have the same problem too If you find an answer that works let me know please

Ahh it won't work it's really annoying

I have the same problem. Its so annoying i wish my mom would get home :l

turn on your computer and fast press f11 for recovery works for me good look

I have the same problem but when I click f11 it says,"Please Wait" I wait for like 3 min and then the screen goes black ( not like when its off but its just a blank screen) I can hear everything working too

댓글 33개 더보기

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선택된 해법

Hi, Here is a link to a you tube video on repairing this problem. Good luck.


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점수 15

댓글 15개:

Thank you so much! Ohh thank you!

Let you know how it goes.

Ok so holding the F11 key on restart wasn't working. But was able to get into BIOS holding F2. Currently running diagnostics. Thank You cause its a huge relief getting pass the Auto Repair..

Worst Case Scenario Im now able to Hard Reset it..

Thank you again.

Wasn't able to hard reset,

After running diagnostics its saying failed hard drive.

I'm going to try one more thing before replacing the hard drive.

On the MF website under support it says to remove the and reseat the memory module for trouble shooting.

Let yas know how it works out.

Thanks again.

Everyone !! Purchase a windows 7 instalation disk, and just run that and upgrade to win 10 , it works just fine , by the way then a cheap disk costs around 80$ cheap right! PERFECT SOLVING

댓글 10개 더보기

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가장 유용한 답변

try these tips this might help -

just try booting your computer under safe mode

update the graphic and windows driver and system drivers

remove any unwanted software and free some space in system

checkout for any virus or tool bar problem for any other help and steps

visit FIX- Laptop stuck on ” Preparing Automatic Repair ” after system error and let me know if you have any other issue after this . thanks and welcome

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점수 16

댓글 2개:

How are you supposed to do the f11 and power button method if it doesn't work

This is a 'FAKE' IT repair site and will infect anyone that is not protected!

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a) see if you can check hard drive using a utility disk from the maker of the hard drive-most have a bootable iso file that you can burn a cd that will boot the computer and let you check the drive. The ultimate boot disk may also let you do this.


If the drive has a fault at the beginning it will not work - you may be able to use disk utilities to move the partition to an ares not faulty and also resize the partition. You may be able to do this if you remove the hard drive from the laptop and place it in the a desktop computer as a second drive and use the administrative tools and hard drive utilities of the OS to do this. This will also let you check the drive. This may provide an opportunity to strip the data of the drive in case anything goes wrong- USB drive as a destination etc.

But if faulty the only long term solution is to replace the drive


It sounds as if HDD is faulty the easiest way may be to buy a replacement and replace it and then reinstall windows from your system recovery disks or download from microsoft's website. If you have an external hard enclosure you can place the old hard drive in it or use a usb adapter to try to recover files.

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댓글 3개:

What if it is a brand new computer???

If it is a new computer it should be covered by warranty return it to the seller for them to fix DO NOT TRY TO REPAIR ITS YOURSELF OR you may destroy warranty

Still I am unable to restart my computer. When I select diagnostic, it gives options for hard disk test, start test. If I skip, I can't do anything

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Press f11 when u turn computure on then reset the computure then it should be fixed ( you will loose all installed files) it's the only way to dignosied this problem

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댓글 6개:

Yep did the restart now It's stuck on "Resetting your PC 1%" it's been stuck on this page for at least 24 hours. What do i do??

You HDD is bad and it can't be restored. Get a new one and see if you can copy the restore partition to an external drive. Put the new drive in and connect the external and then try the restore. If the restore partition copied good.

I'm on 36% and it goes up 1% each 1-2 minutes. If you do it right, it will take maximum 1 hour

PREFACE: Working with a brand new uninitialized 1TB Seagate HDD which doesn't have anything on it yet nor is partitioned or formatted yet.

PROBLEM: MY LCD display monitor wasn't getting any video from the BIOS (only a black screen). All my HP Pavilion P2-1123w did was remain stuck in a continuous loop of powering OFF and then back ON about every 20 seconds.

SOLUTION: Holding in F11 during power ON as suggested by Sami Morgan worked like magic for me and got everything working normally again. I was really getting desperate and just about to give up all hope. Thanks so much for sharing this solution Sami Morgan!

I have aus computer it not working it keep going black window preparing automatically

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From The Desk Of What Little I Know.

First of all for all other lap top brands, your OS on your HD is Corrupted.

The most important thing you can do is you can replace the Hard Drive.

You want to save all your precious files.

You all should have made your restore disks for each individual lap top

Now you have your new HD in the lap top, and you use your disks to format

that new one, all automatically while you follow the written instructions on

your screen. You will have a factory new lap top, eact to the day you took it out of the boe.

If you don't have the restore disks. Phone your lap top support and tell them

you need them, and they will make them for you.

Remember you need to retrieve all of you stuff first as soon as you can.

Some of the HP restore options might not work. Stop and replace the HD.

To go any further, you will erase the drive.

If it is erased now. Sorry. You might try EASE US software.

I wrote over my storage drive, 415 GB of precious stuff. I got all of it back

in the original format it was in . Some software will just give you RAW data back.

don't ever go there. Get "Ease US."

If you don't have an HP, then everything from here on is a Question Mark for

your answer. Just replace the HD with a new one, and then hook up the old

one to your factory restored Lap Top as an External Storage drive.

If the original HD is not corrupted, it will run well and then you can retrieve

all your precious things , photos, Mp3 and anything else you want.

The purpose of this note, is to try to save all your files.

If none of these options can save them. Stop. Turn off the Lap Top.

Take out the Hard Drive. Replace it with a new one, Reboot it while

pressing F2 and then select boot order. You want to boot from the disks you

should have made, or a USB. If you didn't do that, you will have to order them

from HP. Once you get this done, use your dads drive as a USB device.

Plug it into the lap top and save all the files.

Reboot While pressing F11

You are going to need an empty external drive. This is to save all your dads files.

Some of these Restore options might not work, so you need a separate USB or storage drive

to send all your files to.

What you are doing is to find a way to save all your Dads stuff he likes everything

he stored on the Lap Top.

When your lap top went into Diagnostic Repair, it did that to let you know the OS and OR the

Hard Drive is corrupted. Diagnostic repair doesn't repair anything, it just lets you know

the OS is Corrupted.

After you find a way to get all of your dad's stuff saved to the external drive, then you must

Then press F2 on the next reboot. You want to select one of the Tests for the HD.

Smart Test, and then the Short DST test. If it passes your HD is good.

Sounds like to me, you need a new HD because it's over three to five years it's best to replace it.

You can Press F2 while the lap top is rebooting at any time. It's diagnostics are separate

from the OS, and run well .

Select System Restore and choose a System Restore point.

If that won't work, then select Reset the PC without loosing your files option.

If that won't work, then select Reset PC. You will be given a chance to save

your files. You can choose between Automatic or select the ones you want.

If one docent work try the other. Remember you are just trying these options

to save all your dads files, photos, mp3 ect ect.

Then you Press F2 and test your dads HD

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댓글 2개:

actually, he could've just knocked the HDD out of place. he might just have to reseat mem or make sure nothing got knocked out, in which case, just gotta be careful putting it back in. it could be what you said too, but in my experience i once tapped my ASUS and it knocked the HDD out of place which caused something similar. it's more common with ASUS computers, but nothing wrong with trying

<a href="http://indianmatka.live">thanku for sharing</a> this information <a href="http://indianmatka.live">I get surprise</a> please click

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Just refresh the computer like it suggests, my HP is completely back to normal and I didn't lose any files

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댓글 2개:

How do we "refresh" it?

You press f11, trouble shoot,and reset PC. You will LOSE every files. As I'm writing this, it's on 33% on my HP FOLIO laptop. Wish it work for you!

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turn off , start and press f11 asap then follow the language on latin American them chose ...recovery that works for me good look

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댓글 3개:

Will this wipe my whole laptop though?

If you have photos then use an external enclosure to get them to a different Computer the put the HDD back and do F11 and do restore back to Factory settings.

Do I have to perform the recovery in Latin American?

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Method 1:

Disconnect all the devices connected to the computer except keyboard and mouse and check if you are able to boot to the start screen.

Method 2:

If the computer fails to boot, try performing safe mode and perform clean boot.

Try to boot into Safe Mode with Networking. Press and hold the shift key while clicking on Restart at the login Screen (Bottom right corner).

•Select Troubleshootand click on Advanced Options.

•Select Startup Settingsand click on Restart.

•After restarting, choose Enable Safe modewith networking.

If the issue does not persists in Safe Mode, then perform a Clean Boot to check if any third party application is causing the issue, as Clean Boot helps in eliminating software conflicts.

Step 2

Put the computer in Clean Boot and check if it helps.

By setting your system in Clean Boot state helps in identifying if any third party applications or startup items are causing the issue.

How to perform a Clean Boot to troubleshoot a problem in Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8


Note: After Clean Boot troubleshooting step, refer to "How to reset the computer to start as usual after troubleshooting with Clean Boot" from the article.

Method 3: You may try to boot from the Windows 10 media and try performing an Automatic repair from Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).

To perform Automatic repair on Windows 10 computer follow these steps:

a) Insert the media such as (USB or DVD) and restart your computer

b) Press F12 key (typically this is F12, but it can differ between computer manufacturers) and choose the drive that you inserted the installation media into.

Once the Windows Setup window appears, follow these steps:

c) Click Next and select Repair your computer.

d) You will then see a blue screen and an option to choose. Choose the option Troubleshoot and select Advanced options.

e) You may choose Automatic Repair from Advanced boot option.

You may refer to the below link to download the ISO and create the installation media:


Thanks and regards

Joy Kemprai

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Hope this will help but it worked for me, you need to take your hard drive out of your computer and put it to another computer, it will say preparing automatic repair than count from 0%- 100%. then it will show your everything on your computer, take it back to your computer than it will count again from 0%- 100% then everything will be back to normal on your computer.

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Hi. No worries mate. All HP laptops built since 2013 on up have this very problem.

I have the 2014 HP x360 with 5500 u i7 Intel CPU 2.40 GHz 2.40 GHz with 16 GB Ram.

If you phone HP, Tec Support will tell you not to have any hope for any expectations that this

problem can be fixed. Quote and End Quote.

My logical opinion is that HP will have to re-tool all it's future computers to fix it.

Most of the hp mother boards are made by Asus. The Best. We might be able to get

then to do a replace ment for us, however think of the cost of that !

In the meantime, you and everyone else who has a recently manufactured HP Computer, is going

to be stuck with the lap top or PC rebooting into the Diagnostic Repair Loop.

Say you have a hard shut down. A file fragment is now displaced. You install your favorite anti-malware, (my opinion Emsisoft is the ultimate end of them all The Best and most rewarded of them all.

The Emsisoft Internet Security Suite works seamlessly with my windows 8.1)

HP Diagnostic Repair, unfortunately for all of us end users, as you have found out already, will recognize something is missing in the written codes of everything you have, and then everything new you install, and then all those great programs we were able to seamlessly run on our older machine will now trigger on the next reboot, HP DIAGNOSTIC REPAIR. By now we all know it doesn't

repair anything, nor log the initial problem that the Computer encountered. The only way out of that loop is to press F 11. and then select any of HP's Restore options. HP Diagnostic repair is imbedded into the whole Architecture of the computer. All the pre-installed software, The Mother Board, and all the other hardware. Doomed and doomed again.

So far I have spent most of my time , since November 28tn, 2015 when I purchased this what I thought to be a great lap top, I have spent most of my life now in HP System Restore.

Currently I recommend you purchase the official Restore USB disk from HP.

That way you know it hasn't been corrupted.

By now you should have learned that if you didn't save your stuff you love, photos , mp3 that when you do end up soon or later but you will , in hP system restore options, you will find out the hard way

that if your PC, ie laptop went into HP diagnostic repair, that now, none of you system restore points

are available. HU HA hp, no kidding what a fatal engineering feat you have accomplished on the whole HP loving World.


it works better then anything I have previously done.

GO - TO "FILE HISTORY" you will find that sweet little icon in the CONTROL PANEL.

Click it, it opens up, DO NOT TURN ON FILE HISTORY unless you fully understand the ramifications of that automatic back up. Like personal INFO you don't want suddenly available on the web.

GO-TO The left hand lower corner of the window, and select "System Image Backup"

The HP makes a perfect image of everything you have going on right at that moment.

That is why you want to not download Emsisoft and install it or any other favorite software for that matter that needs to update.

I have found with great attention to details, and what external functions I put to task by my beloved

LapTop, that I can go a week or more without tripping The HP Diagnostic Repair Loop.

Sorry for all the many words. I dont' know to condense it down so it is what it is.

Do not use your laptop HD for storage of your precious things. Anything.

You might have to use the system Restore for this reason.

Even though I have a satisfactory image of the C Drive, one or three triggered HP Diagnostic Repair loops, corrupts that image. OH NO . Doomed and doomed again.

Handle it.

The HP Tec support guy, Herman in the Phillipines said HP was aware of this problem and that he was going to be sure to elevate my complaint on the HP DIAGNOSTIC REPAIR loop to hp.

Down the line, the HP engineers are going to make new computers with out this fuction.

We might be able to return our Lap tops, and PC, to be refurbished and a minimal cost.

That's my hope.

Until then to all of us HP End Users, no worries mate, no matter what level of code competence we have, everyone in the world with one of these HP lap tops, or PC's have this terrible ongoing continuous until the ends of the earth, Diagnostic Repair Loop when least expected .

DONT FORGET. You will all have a better go at it if you make that "System Image Back UP" clicking on the bottom of the File History Window, left hand side.

I got other Ideas too.

Go to Best Buy. Ask the how much it will cost to make a disk of all the necessary latest install drivers

for you HP. Next pay the money for the CD it's going to be worth it . Next purchase your windows Os

Dont' try to switch out an OS on an HP. It's a nightmare.


INSTALl UBANTU over the whole system, void your hp factory warranty, and now you have your own computer. Yours.

If you are the end user I am, you need a friend to run you thru UBANTU, however the good news, is it is a Linix system, you know the Penguin, tight tight OS, few if any exploits, and someone in the know

will show you how to aquire all the drivers that it needs to run your mother board, sound card, ect ect.

I am going to do that ater I try the Best Buy Tecs. I already talked to them in person, and if you ask them, for a few dollars more , they will have a very special High Tech Code person, do all the work on your HP right in front of you. Hey. That's simpy great.

Good Luck. Keep your HP or get your money back now.

With love, Hope, and Spiritual understanding. G-d, blesse be he, is IAM

Update (03/15/2016)


This is NGC4414.

I wrote a lengthy note about Diagnostic Repair.

I'm back to let you all New HP owners, and starting at 2013 owners,

Diagnostic Repair is embedded in the entire HP Architecture.

The mother board, the hard drive (s) all the HP software and anything else HP that you

can think of.

Once it begins the loop just press F 11 on the reboot. There you will find many options to how to

restore your HP. That's it. That is not a solution, Your HP is going to spend the rest of

your remaining hours mostly in "Diagnostic Repair", and "Your PC ran into trouble."

it's just the way it is. By now you all should have got off the phone with HP Tec support, and they basically

will tell you everyone has this new problem, and that you must not have any hope for a solution.

That's because it is a hardware generated problem.

Once in "Diagnostic Repair loop", or "Your PC ran into Trouble" the only way out of

those two loops is by pressing F 11 during the next reboot.

To help you get through this a little better, go to File History. Look down at the lower left hand corner

of the screen and you will find "System Image Back Up"

Make one after you have cleaned up your HP. That means you use your HP Restore USB or Disks and run

them. Make sure you have them. If you don't this next option will cost you.

goto KillDisk.com, download their free Kill Disk Console. Learn how to use it, and completely do their

Low Level Format. It's free , and changes all the data on the disk to 00000x0

That is a cleen HD, and now you can install your HP system on that, knowing there will be no future

interference , or a trigger set off by the disk, even though you did your factory restore.

0 the drive, or use HP option to format the drive. Select that from Refresh section. It asks you if you want to save your files, do a refresh , or do you want to get rid of all your files and reinstall or do you want

to format the disk because you are going o donate it, or throw it away. That last one is the one you want.

Don't select that unless you have your restore disks. You can make them one time by going to HP Recovery Media. Do it right. Use a USB a little larger then what is needed.

If you use DVD or CD re writable or write once you will need three to thirteen disks and then you will have to baby sit the HP till it's done. Then when you run a restore you have to baby sit the HP.

A USB is seamless, and a walk away job. Start the HP restore from a USB and walk away , go out go to the gym, go to work, the HP will be ready for you when you get back. No worries mate. The HP is sleeping by the time you get home, just wake it up with a move of your mouse.

After you do the perfect restore, and I might add I have done thousands of HP System Restores, all of the

options, everyone of them I could select, well I add this. Now you have the HP exactly the way HP wants that HP to run. Do not change anything . Nothing. Do not add anything at all, except a free Microsoft software


Here are solutions to some common problems with installing updates. You might be able to automatically fix some problems by running the Windows Update Troubleshooter Quote and end Quote.

Boys and Girls, this little tool works. The software download is called, "WindowsUpdateDiagnostic"

That's the only added on software you should run . You will not be able to update very well or not at all

until you run it. Reboot, run it again. then select automatically install updates, or do them manually.

If some of them don't install, run the Windows Update Diagnostic tool again.

What you want to do in all this, is have all your windows updates, as many as you possibly can before you

create your new Image. File History create system image works perfectly.

Just remember it's a 20 minute job, don't stop it for anyreason, let it finish.

Reboot a couple of times to shake it all out and down. until you do that, your system has a bit of trouble

remembering what it is. Then it's as if you didn't run it at all. Perfect, until the next time you trigger

the HP Diagnostic Repair Loop. Usualy what I have found is that Windows Updates after you reboot triggers the Diagnostic Repair loop on the way back to windows, so windows doesn't start, you know.

you are now in the loop. The ground hog day movie loop. Over and Over and Over again.

In closing, I will come back and let you all know about my Transitioning my HP to UBANTU.

I have a good feeling about it. No more Diagnostic repair loop. Well , after all is said and done I have hope.

Other wise the final solution is to contack a Free Fee basis Attorney. a real successful one, who does "Class Action Suits" and only takes on a case like this, to win hundreds of millions of dollars

which in advance he knows he will win. That is why that level of Attorney takes the case.

He or She is going to win, and knows that in advance.

If you think about it, everyone in the world with a 2016 HP has this very same trouble.

Doomed and Doomed Again. (don't' forget, Diagnostic Repair is part of the very physical structures of

the HP. The mother board, the Hard Drive (s) all the HP Software.


Next week I am going to look to installing UBANTU via USB. My hp does not have a optical drive.

Sorry windows, however right now, there is no way I can return my HP for a full refund. I just got it

in November 2014. It an HP x360 dual 5500U Intel 2.46 Ghz = Quad Core at 16 GB Ram.

I believe right now that is the only solution, as I told you the HP you just purchased , or got it a few months ago, is permanently designed around the Diagnostic Repair Loop, and Your PC ran into some Trouble Loop.

Of hand, every now and then someone will ask me where is is I am from. Well here it is, now you all know.

Sincerely Yours From NGC 4414.

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댓글 5개:

Checking answer

Pretty much a windbag answer.

You can say that again and again and again, just like hp in it's diagnostic repair loop I would delete that comment my self if I could. I don't know how.

Got an answer for that ? I will gladly delete this diatribe of words.

Ha, it's the looping that got me. Over and Over and over .

I did figure how to prevent it forever though. Success after all.

Unnecessarily long-winded post and explanation but YES pressing F11 at power UP time cancels the loop you were stuck in and gets everything back to normal. Some kind of goofy bug or other such careless oversight in the HP BIOS but at least pressing this key resolves the issue. Thanks for reporting your results regarding this problem resolution.

<a href="http://indianmatka.live">thanku for sharing</a> this information <a href="http://indianmatka.live">I get surprise</a> please click

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I had a reboot loop un able to load operating system just kept going to Win error recovery had two , options start up repair, manually start neither worked just kept relooping getting black screens.


insert operating disc for your system

start computer

press F12

select CD Rom drive

windows loading files will be seen

select repair computer

follow instructions should fix your computer will be in safe mode

hope this works for you I have win vista operating system

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Did you lose all personal files using this method ?

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Boot into recovery, then from the command prompt type:

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

Restart and it should tell you what file is causing the hangup. I was able to replace the file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\avgrkx64.sys) with a .old version of itself and then boot successfully.

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Go here: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=2f-GorXW...

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1. Unplug Laptop

2. Remove Battery and wait 30 seconds

3. Remove all USB devices

4. Install Battery

5. Press Power Button


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댓글 2개:

Thanks, that worked for me.


Was reminded again today when I eventually allowed Windows10 to upgrade to version 2004. Without fail after any Microsoft(& occasionally others) update my laptop gets stuck in "Acer explore beyond limits" screen. No spinning dots appear. It will stay like that forever(well 12hrs on one test) until a hard shutdown is performed.

I usually run the laptop from the power supply with no battery installed & use a wire to the modem (not wifi).

If I have forgotten to unplug the modem wire before the first start/restart after an update, I have to perform a hard shutdown, then remove the wire.

START -don't reconnect to the modem until the computer has fully initialised & all is well till next update!

Thanks again

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On e reason this may happen is the hard drive has an error at critical point in the boot up. Maybe try another hard drive or use a usb bootable linux drive if you do this and it starts it is likely to the hard drive. You need to replace it.

Once you have working drive you will need to reinstall the system etc. If you buy a similar sized hard drive you may be able to clone the recovery partition and thereby restore your system or you have made recovery disks you may be able to restore the computer quite easily and then try to take the data off the old drive

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The way I fixed this problem ( to me it happened on windows 10) is that i used a bootable usb stick with "DBAN". DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) is like an OS with which you can erase your hard drives. I used DBAN to erase my hard drive clean and then used a bootable Windows 10 usb stick to reinstall Windows. This will erase everything on your computer...but it works. I had no choice, I have tried everything to recover my Windows but with no success before this. Hope this helps.

I have done this on a Lenovo Ideapad 100 15IBD

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Ok so this worked for me suprisingly. So I have a Lenovo laptop, and it has a button that has a kind of recycling symbol on it also know as F5. So I held clicked that before I started up my PC. Then popped up this thing that said "press any key in 8 sec to skip disk check" so I did and I was back at my home page! Now I'm hoping this isn't a fluke and I hope it helps some of you guys!

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For people who are facing this problem ..

First of all .. when ur computer turns on .. boot the coputer on ,""" safe mode "" then try to search for drivers that need an update .. like graphics and othe drivers .. then make sure ur computer is clean of trojan hourses and viruses ... then check your rams if they are functioning properly. . After all try to delete some unused data and free some space ..

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Hi. I feel your frustration. I had been exactly where you are now for a few trial and error months.

First off, from here on out use D.I.S.M. You start with your computer connected to the Internet.

Next dig out your "Command Prompt" open it with "Administrator"

You can use D.I.S.M. periodically to check for OS Corruption. You should every time before you make changes, or download the windows updates. I find Download Windows Updates Automatically works best for me, because I can then choose which ones I don't want.

Ok .

Number 2 is the first D.I.S.M. that you run.

Run it first every time and run it once a month . You always want to make sure your system is exactly running the way the Microsoft Engineers designed it to run, and this tool they created for us is perfect.

If your dism/online comes back with a corruption reading, then you run Number 3.

You don't try to fix windows update problems until you have run your dism/online check.

Next if your windows updates have not been installing and you have been getting error messages, then go out online and get the "Windows Update Trouble Shooter" Run that after you have squared away your OS with dism/online Number 2.

Ok, you run the updater and then it fixes all the errors, and might reset your windows update history to

zero updates. heh heh heh. no worries mate they are all there, however the Windows Update Trouble shooter sometimes erases the Windows Update Library. This is because some in the library are duplicates of the ones your OS is being currently advised that it's available to install, but it's already installed will often times cause a conflict of interest, and windows update will fail every time.

So now run the dism/online number 2, then fix if necessary with Number 3, and then run your Windows update trouble shooter and you are now through. Your OS on what ever machine it is, is just going to work seamlessly for the rest of it's entire life. So good, you will get bored without the constant error messages.

Always run the Command Prompt with Administrator Privileges while online otherwise, dism doesn't function. It's internet connected to a Microsoft server somewhere .

1 dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

2 dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth

3 dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

4 Windows Update Troubleshooter.

5. The last step to take after all the others have been.

Get a storage drive. I recommend only the External Hard Drive.

If you use a Solid State for Anything at all you will find out the hard way that your

photo collection will be subtly corrupted. All your photos will be ruined. This happens when you transfer the original photo image data to an external HD, or Solid State. My Solid State Experience is awfull

with my photos being stored with corrupted data that you won't see until a couple of weeks or months later. They are already corrupted, so don't bother copy them, they look perfect, but only for a little while.

To prevent data corruption, I over write all the photos at least three times and that goes for the rest of the data. It's takes a bit of time and effort, but you won't open up a favorite photo only to see it's been corrupted, you won't open up a saved document in word pad, and now i'ts scrambled.


you have your External hard drive.

GoTo control panel, then find "File History"

Click on File History, and go to the bottom left of that window and click on "System Image Backup"

now, follow the steps looking to make sure you put that Image in a "Blank Partition'"

To do that you need to go to "diskManagement" or purchase a disk manager software, then partition your External and then address the Image to be created, the "System Image Backup" to the drive letter assigned that partition. OK, now you get to select the stuff you want to IMAGE. So if you got private stuff and you want to keep it that way, then back up all your Desktop files to another partition on the External, then come back and use EastTec Eraser and overwrite all the data in your files, thus making a Clean Image. You don't have to do that but the Image will copy everything perfectly.

Merry Christmas.


"think of the forest without the trees"

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i hand this problem

after hours of waiting for it stuck in the loop the hp guys said hit F9 to get to the boot order menu the boot from either usb of disk to reinstall windows

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hp compaq 8710p, windows 10.

this thing with automatic repair happened to me and my strong advice is dont rush into anything. please be a little bit patient. it might fix itself.

i kept doing hard restarts by holding down the power button till it forced a shutdown, but just ended up with it getting stuck on the preparing....etc message. sometimes not even a message. just the windows loading circle going round and round.

eventually i decided to go into the ROM segment by holding f10 on start up.

i ran a HDD self test and memory self test. both were ok. so all the talk about a corrupt hard drive might not be correct. i left it overnight tried again in the morning. no joy.

i needed to go out. so decided to switch it off at the power supply. when i came back 3 hours later it flipped from auto repair into diagnosing your pc. from there i did a system restore but it was unable to complete it due to a dodgy file. so i exited that and low and behold it booted normally. what a relief.

so take from this what you will. try unplugging everything for a few hours or overnight. see what happens. you might be lucky too ;))

Update (04/15/2017)

update on my post; it wasn't so much switching off the electrical supply that fixed it.

it was removing a SANDISK HD memory card from the card reader that solved it.

i didn't remember that i'd done that first time. but when the problem resurfaced, thats what i did to solve it.

so the motto is; first make sure all usb and card readers are empty before doing anything drastic.

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In the first instance go to this YouTube website and follow MDTech's tutorial EXACTLY. Including ALL spaces where he indicates when in the CMD screen of your PC.

Note: - Beforehand you may need to press and hold down your PC's power button several times before the Windows Utility page shows up in blue with a number of options, or hold down PC power button and press F11 when booting up. ( other PC's may use F8 button or even DELETE button check your manual.)


Here is what I have found myself and posted in comments on MDTechvideo's webpage above.

"Windows 10 64bit and maybe 32bit (x86) has an update as of 20th March 2017 which seems to address this crashing problem. Search in Google for this KB4015438 Windows update and DO READ information on this. I'll warn you though, it's up to 1000 Mb in size and can take HOURS from download to install. Apparently it is NOT a just a patch for Windows, but a mega update. If you are fortunate enough to get back into Windows with the above "MDTechvideos" tutorial carry out the KB4015438 install through the 'Windows Update feature on your PC, or download it directly from the Microsoft website link below.

Once again, be warned, when downloading & thereafter installing you will think your PC is doing nothing, WRONG, it is a very, very slow background operation so patience is needed. I am not a PC techy so I cannot help anyone further than this, but the info here restored my locked HP 15 Pavillion Laptop.



Good luck. John in the UK"

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First try to reboot in safe mode.

Uninstall any software you have installed lastly if your safe mode.

Also try to boot your system with last known good os option. Normally this option comes when you press f8 while booting.

while system start it will find all hardware does it show harddisk or cd rom etc, as i read that your are going to replay harddrive.

Dont replace hard drive, it seems os related problem.

Connect your hard disk as a slave to some other computer and take backup of your computer data and simply re install fresh windows 8.

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This is a duplicate post as the first one I edited and would not update to site:

"In the first instance go to this YouTube website and follow MDTech's tutorial EXACTLY. Including ALL spaces where he indicates when in the CMD screen of your PC.

Note: - Beforehand you may need to press and hold down your PC's power button several times before the Windows Utility page shows up in blue with a number of options, or hold down PC power button and press F11 when booting up. ( other PC's may use F8 button or even DELETE button check your manual.)


Here is what I have found myself and posted in comments on MDTechvideo's webpage above.

"Windows 10 64bit and maybe 32bit (x86) has an update as of 20th March 2017 which seems to address this crashing problem. Search in Google for this KB4015438 Windows update and DO READ information on this. I'll warn you though, it's up to 1000 Mb in size and can take HOURS from download to install. Apparently it is NOT a just a patch for Windows, but a mega update. If you are fortunate enough to get back into Windows with the above "MDTechvideos" tutorial, carry out the KB4015438 install through the 'Windows Update feature on your PC, or download it directly from the Microsoft website link below.

Once again, be warned, when downloading & thereafter installing you will think your PC is doing nothing, WRONG, it is a very, very slow background operation so patience is needed. I am not a PC techy so I cannot help anyone further than this, but the info here restored my locked HP 15 Pavillion Laptop.



Good luck. John in the UK"

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Hope our site Robot now allows this post, I've had to remove all previous links to websites.

Search YouTube for " How To Fix Windows 10 Stuck In Infinite Boot - No Software Needed. " [ remove quote marks though]

It's by a guy called "MDTechvideos". Follow his tutorial exactly to get to the boot-up 'Command Mode' (CMD) via your PC's blue start screen. You must include any spaces in the black command screen when it's open.

If you get back into full Windows 10 operation mode with the above "MDTechvideos" tutorial you will need to then search online for the Microsoft update KB4015438 through the 'Windows Update' feature on your PC. It's dated 20th March 2017. Alternatively if Windows cannot find it you can download it directly from the Microsoft website, again I'm not allowed to post direct links to it. However,there are links on the above MDTechvideo YouTube web page under my posted comments as "Happy Tuber"

The KB4015438 update is very large ( it can be up to a 1000Mb so choose carefully if on a paying by size ISP ). This update is supposed to fix the dreaded Blue Screen crash we've all experienced.

Be warned though, when downloading & thereafter installing the update you will think your PC is doing nothing, WRONG the progress bar moves very slowly, it is a very, very slow background operation. I am not a PC techy so I cannot help anyone further than this. This fix worked for me on my HP 15 Pavillion Notebook hope it works for others.

If this post does not get stopped as Spam by the Robot, I give up, but you will never know because it won;t be visible. Here's hoping ;)

Regards, John in the UK

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Just press f2 much time.. That's work for me

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Pls I pressed f2 and I saw firmware maintainance then I saw BIOS update and I saw BIOS rollback what do I do?

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Hi there is anyone still on here...I realize it's late BUT HELP is needed please?

Dell says the warranty is done as of January 15 2017

I'm still trying to find out if purchased on a credit card does credit card extend warranty by 1year?

Can someone help with a

Dell Inspiron 17 5000 series 15187231766

P26E 001 model?

Win 8 sticker on back

I have pics of diagnostics screens it says everything is OK

I have turned it on off hard shut off + on still says the following



Preparing automatic repair


Diagnosing YOUR PC

Then black screen


Repeats the same over and over

I've tried the BIOS looks OK

I've unplugged battery plugged in started -same as above

F2 f8 f12 tried

Diagnostics ran ...battery is junk

I have a win 7 Cd here ? No good for this.

No DVD Cd backup items available

I was wishing to fix this up for my 88 year old mom to see things on ..in her care facility. She and other elderly people there would benefit greatly from this laptop in so many ways -lide would be happier for mom.

Can someone be a hero and help me?

This is Jen

Waterloo Ontario Canada

JenFrYrEyesOnly -twitter

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My asus laptop is still under prepairing automatic repair and not showing the next one the diagnosing problem. And it's not showing advanced option. What would I do?

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My problem of laptop getting stuck in "preparing automatic repair" screen occurs regularly on first start up / restart following a Windows update. -happened again today. (this is on a Acer E1-510 running Windows10 vers1803).

The following works for me -may work for someone else.

After restart my laptop gets stuck in "Acer explore beyond limits" screen. After Hard shutdown(hold start button till laptop turns off), then start(push start button) the laptop gets stuck in "preparing automatic repair" screen. More hard shutdowns and starts just alternate between these 2 stuck screens. The laptop does not display a repair option screen as some sites suggest will happen after the third restart.

However, if I unplug the wire to the modem, then next Start the laptop works! (even if the computer is set to also connect via wifi). Once I see the spinning dots display after a few seconds, I know I’ve got my computer back.

Somewhere I saw the suggestion that unplugging any USB connected devices, & also the power/battery briefly helps. But, for me, unplugging the modem wire is all that’s needed.

Maybe this is a signal my computer is about to expire, but the method solved the problem for me the last 4 times it occurred.

[I posted this last time at Laptop Cannot Boot, Preparing Automatic Repairs - Fails

but it didn’t show up on my "preparing automatic repair" search]

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on automatic repair open cmd and enter stupidyou it will restart it willl boot windows 10 without any issucss

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Why would you suggest that DaniyalShehzada Yasin?

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https://okadtech.com/how-to-fix-lenovo-l... Just go and solve your issue and thanks me later

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