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모델 번호 A1347로 식별되는 Mac mini의 유니바디 알루미늄 세대입니다 - Mid 2010부터 현재 판매되는 Late 2014 모델.

876 질문 전체 보기

Does the IR receiver still exist?

Apple still lists the Apple Remote as a supported accessory while purchasing the Mac Mini, but I don't see an IR Receiver in the teardown. Considering that the IR Receiver was excluded from the last MacBook update, how confident are we that the IR Receiver exists in this Mac Mini?

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IR receiver in 2018 is weird, because most modern remotes work on bluetooth or Wi-Fi

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The IR receiver still exists in this iteration of the Mini. We've just added pictures of the IR receiver to the teardown. Enjoy!

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The teardown mentioned an IR cable which is encouraging.

A post on macintouch.com confirmed there is an IR port hidden at the right end of the disc slot. You can also see in a photo on the Features page on the Apple site with a disc half inserted, the slot is a bit longer on the right end.

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I poked around the apple site and here is where that picture is.

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I just checked and they don't offer the remote when you configure a MacBook. Being that it is still offered on the Mac Mini, I'd assume the answer is yes. No info on the tech specs page though.

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yep it does i just recieved mine.

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thanks +

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Thanks Jeff

Good to have positive confirmation from someone who actually has one.

I am thinking of buying a Mac mini as a media PC and would be wanting to use my Harmony IR remote for basic operation. I also have an iPod Touch and I could use one of the available apps to use it as a remote e.g. for surfing to find online media content.

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I used to use an iPod app for that and it would be way easier to buy a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. The mouse apps and too fiddely.

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OK Thanks Jeff

I might try the iPod initially, and save up for a Logitech Mediaboard which has a touchpad built into the keyboard. The Mediaboard works via Bluetooth and would seem an ideal combination for working on the lap where a separate mouse would be awkward.

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Bought a Mac Mini from the brand new Apple Store in Perth yesterday, including Apple Remote (infrared).

I have got basic functions working from Logitech 525 IR remote as well, and also using Mobile Airmouse Pro running on iPod Touch (via wi-fi). The Airmouse software is quite good, e.g. for simple surfing to find and run online video.

At the moment, I have a Logitech USB wireless mouse and keyboard plugged in for more complex typing . Time will tell whether I can do without a full size keyboard long term.

One trick I found with the Mac Mini. Initially, I didn't think it was sending audio over the HDMI port, as I couldn't get the audio via the TV. However, I had to change a setting under the Sounds preferences to output the audio via HDMI rather than the Mac Mini's internal speaker. The audio works fine via the TV now. I retained the setting for system sounds via the internal speaker so various beeps, etc. are not frighteningly loud when the TV volume is turned up.

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Well, the IR sensor is RIP on the 2018 model. No more IR sensors from now on apparently.

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