My computer won't start
I tried to reboot it and every time a blue screen comes up with text at the bottom saying setup is starting but there is an error box in the middle of the page which says Windows could not collect information for [OSImage] since the specified image file [install.wim] does not exist.
Please Help
좋은 질문입니까?
SIlly question. Is anything in the disk drive? It seems it may be trying to repair or re-install Windows. Try powering on the machine and holding SHIFT+F8 to see if you can get into troubleshooting options.
Toupee Scalper 의
⁸meu notebook não liga, a oito meses levei a um técnico ele disse que queimou a placa mãe, ele disse que trocou a placa mãe me ligou pedindo a senha isso é verdade, é agora aconteceu o mesmo problema,,,
zelmairl 의
I have this problem too
Hattab 의
Showing window image only and diagnosing your pc
vijay e 의
wy laptop has been shutdown for a long time and now its wont powered on
Vishal Sarkar 의
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