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2004년에 소개되었으며 2010년에 단종된 20", 23" 및 30" LCD Display.

99 질문 전체 보기

Where can I find Apple Cinema Display 23" HD DVI Manual?


All the links to the Cinema Display 23" HD DVI service Manual are dead.

Where can I find this service manual? Can anyone upload it if that have it?

This is linked to my previous question but put it separately for others to find it easier

Thanks in advance

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Alex222, just to make you do recognize that the service manual does not include schematics etc. So if this

Block Image

the manual you need download it here

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OT - deleted my answer as yours was what's needed.

Hi the document does not longer exists can you please re upload again

@Juan Pablo Hoyos download it from here Once you have it leave a comment on here so I can remove it once more. Apple don't like this :-)

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