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Samsung의 5-세대 Android-기반 Galaxy 스마트폰은 2014년 4월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 이 휴대폰은 지문 스캐너, 최신 카메라, 대형 화면 및 방수 기능이 개선되었습니다. 네 가지 색상으로 제공됩니다; 검정, 파랑, 흰색 및 구리.

577 질문 전체 보기

I dropped my phone in saltwater, please help!

So i dropped my phone in saltwater, without the back cover. i had one of theose extra battery things where the batttery is huge and it has its own case and back cover. Anyway, when i took it out, i pressed the homebutton. I had the passcode set to none, and it turned on. But then the recent apps thing started turning on and off, and so i just pulled the battery out. I put it in oatmeal, and then later rice. For about 7 hours. Then, i put the original stock battery in, and the notification light came on in the corner. It was changing between green and blue. Then i held down the power button, and i felt it vibrate, but then one of the lights came on. I plugged it in, adn it started buzzing and the screen was flashing between b;ack and white. I tried to plug it into my computer, but nothing happened and the computer didn't recognize it. I put it back in rice overnight, and the next day i tried to turn it on, and i heard my notification and i could adjust the volume, and get s voive to talk to me and understand me. Thanks for any help!!

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@aidhailey first off skip the rice (or oatmeal). It is absolutely useless. It will not help you fix your phone. All it does it provides a false sense of security. It will not clean your phone, it will not prevent corrosion.

Second, stop continuing to try to charge, sync or otherwise use your phone. This potentially can make a bad situation worse.

Salt Water will get your components to corrode very severely. The very first step I would take is to disassemble your phone. Use these guides to disassemble your phone. Take a careful and close look at all components and connectors. Truly assess the damage. Look for major corrosion, evaluate the pins in the connectors etc,. Take a look at all connectors as well as cable ends. After that I would suggest that you clean it a couple of times in sterile water, not drinking water (that might have helped right after it got submerged in the salt water). Use a soft brush and clean it very, very thouroughly with the sterile water. With the amount of corrosion that I envision, you will have to remove all the EMI shields. Once you got the gross contamination cleaned, use 90%+ isopropyl alcohol and clean your parts some more. For a proper cleaning, use this guide. It was written for a Apple iPhone 3G but it is still pertinent to your phone as well. I can not stress the importance of a good cleaning enough, so do it over and over while replacing the alcohol after each cleaning. Do not use compressed air for the cleaning since that can drive liquid as well as corrosion particles into areas that will cause trouble later on. Do not use drinking water, if you need to use water, use sterile water. Also, you do not need to leave it to dry for a day. Isopropyl alcohol in the higher concentration will evaporate quickly and dissipate the water. The importance here is the cleaning. The best cleaning of course would be with an ultrasonic cleaner, so consider to get it professionally cleaned Do not forget to replace the battery. This is a must and not an option. It will fail if you do not take care of it now. Keep in mind that water damage is the hardest to troubleshoot and to repair.

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Repairing iPhone Liquid Damage



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