Broken iSight connector on the logic board
So I ditched my Superdrive and installed a dual hard drive with a SSD in my Macbook Pro 15".
Everything went perfectly fine, the new SSD is awesome and apart from being a bit noisy, the old hard drive works like a charm.
The problem is, while going through the steps to remove the Superdrive, I pulled on the iSight cable upward instead of sideways (I wasn't following iFixit at that moment but the OWC explication video and the guy hides the connexion with his hand when disconnecting the cable...). The connector snapped right off and stayed on the cable. So nothing really broke except the welds. It is not too worrying to not be able to use the camera but it looks like this was also responsible for the localisation of my Macbook (the localisation doesn't work anymore, even in Find my iPhone).
I think the welds are waaaaaay too small for me to try and fix but if it's possible without adding tin and just heating the existing welds I might try it.
What do you guys think? Doable? Doable by an amateur?
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I know this thread is 4 years old, but just gotta say I'm glad I'm not the only one who pulled up instead of out. Luckily I have soldering experience.
scott ahrens 의