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Samsung의 5-세대 Android-기반 Galaxy 스마트폰은 2014년 4월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 이 휴대폰은 지문 스캐너, 최신 카메라, 대형 화면 및 방수 기능이 개선되었습니다. 네 가지 색상으로 제공됩니다; 검정, 파랑, 흰색 및 구리.

577 질문 전체 보기

What do I do help me

In may i took my S5 in my mates pool and about an hour later i put it in rice and i left it for about a day or two. And so now august 18th 2016 i have left it but now i really need a phone i tried vacuming it but iy still overheats and wont charge and i have tried to get a new battery but that didnt do much

Please help

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How much would it exactly cost

Hi @madisonjee,

That's something I cannot answer. I suggest that you ring a few repair services and ask for a quote. It may be that they may not be able to give you a price until they have seen the amount of damage and whether it can even be repaired and they may even charge you for just opening the phone and having a look. Again I don't know. I'm afraid that it will be up to you to find this out. Good Luck!

i do have a same probem. but mine has no water demage. but now my phone has dead. Never work again, and still over heating.

@madisonjee I have a question, does your phone has screenconector?

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선택된 해법


The phone's internal components need to be cleaned and the corrosion caused by the water (and pool chemicals) needs to be removed. Here is a general guide which explains what to do in the event of liquids entering electronic devices.

Electronics Water Damage

Rice is good to eat but unfortunately it doesn't do anything to prevent the corrosion of electronic components caused by the combination of electricity and liquids.

You may need to take the phone to a reputable, professional phone repair service and hopefully they may be able to get it working again.

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