Red lines on display where black should be.
My display has red artifacting where the darkest blacks should be.
When I hook up to external display there is no lines, everything looks as it should. If I shut the computer down for the night, when I first start it again, the display is fine but within minutes the lines are back.
From what I've read online, because the problem doesn't appear on external displays, it likely isn't the logic board.
I just opened it up and saw no apparent damage to the display cable connection to the logic board. I took apart the display and removed the display cable and could see no physical damage to that, either. The cable is wrapped in tape, however.
Is it possible that it's a bad display cable and only that needs to be replaced?
I did drop the computer about a year ago but haven't had any problems until this started a few weeks ago.
좋은 질문입니까?
댓글 10개
Did you figure out what caused the problem? My MacBook Pro has the exact symptoms you described all of a sudden...
Scott Trimble 의
Still haven't figured out the cause but I've kind of stopped trying. I replaced the display cable but that didn't change anything. I'm guessing now that it's a logic board issue but, seeing as there's no visible or apparent damage to the logic board, I can't be sure.
I had planned on taking it in to have it looked at and get a definitive answer but haven't done so yet.
codyandreasen 의
Thanks for the response, codyandreasen. I am working abroad for the next 4 months, so I am probably just going to live with it until I get back home. Would you mind updating this thread again if you bring it in to get looked at or if you're able to isolate the problem another way? I'll update the thread, too, if I make any progress in figuring it out. Thanks.
*note: sorry, admins, but I couldn't figure out how to post this as a comment instead of as a new answer.
Scott Trimble 의
Yeah, I'll update if and when I find an answer.
codyandreasen 의
Still thinking about this?
Exactly the same problem as your 3 images show "exactly!!"
My screen wall paper exhibits this and so to the videos!
But! I say 'but', when I select a area of the screen using the pointer it does not show any of this in the selected area!
So it can't be a screen, logic board or inverter board or cable?
Is it firm ware???
christopher Ng 의
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