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Apple 주문 번호 MC007LL/A / 27" 2560x1440 픽셀 화면

78 질문 전체 보기

Could I make my own glass?

I just bough an apple cinema monitor for a steal of a $160(No Glass), I was thinking about making my own glass in acrylic is that possible? It shouldn't be to hard because the glass is connected to the display by magnets, so I could just glue metal on to the back.

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N T I cannot see any reason why that would not work. It may be not quite as aesthetic but should still be functional. Post some images when done so we can see what you came up with.

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K, just ordered the k plexiglass. Hopefully it goes well ;)

@oldturkey03 Okay so i just found a red pixel on my lcd and im bawling now, is there a way to fix this? Is this a dead pixel or a stuck pixel?

Depends on if the pixel is 'stuck' or 'dead'. the dead pixel is effectively a failed LED, whereas a 'stuck' pixel is one that cannot change colour.

Try running this process to see if it is just stuck. it effectively rapidly flashes through colours in the attempt to release it and cause it to change colour as it should.

if this doesn't work, then its a dead pixel, and cannot be fixed.


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