Seeking: Tips/Experiences on Replacing Logic Board
MacBook Pro (9 1) Mid 2012
Hi All,
Lately, I've been having kernel panics and crashes on my mid-2012 MBP. I bought the thing second hand, did the basic optical / SSD switch and 16GB RAM upgrade and it's been working great for the past 2 years.
I found that the upper RAM slot was causing issues, so cleaned them both with Isopropyl. That helped. Panics returned. I then went through and tightened down the logic board and other components that had come loose through the years. No help.
I'm not flush enough/don't want to spend the money to purchase another used MBP at the moment so I'm considering swapping out the logic board myself.
I'm doing my research, but would love to hear from anyone who has done this themselves.
- Buying tips / sources?
- Can I "swap up" to a better graphics card / processor if available?
- Things to watch out for during install (yes, I'm aware of the ifixit how-to)?
Thanks in advance!
MacBook Pro 9,1, Mid-2012
OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)
2.3GHz i7
Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB
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Logic boards are just as if not more expensive than picking up ANOTHER 2012 MBP. So... looks like I'm getting another unless anyone knows of a good source for logic boards under $300.
Kyle Petrozza 의