GE GEGSF251GXBBB side by side refrigerator - fridge not cooling
Hello all,
Have GE GEGSF251GXBBB side by side refrigerator, that fridge side appears to no longer cool (would set to 37 degrees however, no longer stays and goes to 50 degrees.
Have confirmed compressor fan works and sounds like freezer fan is working. There is a grill on shared wall between freezer / fridge, that am unsure if cold air is supposed to be blown into the refrigerator compartment from freezer of not. Thought the following may be defective or causing the issue, but unsure how to go about troubleshooting;
Temperature Control Thermostat, Thermistor, Temperature Control Board
Any advice or additional information on what might be the issue would be greatly appreciated.
Update (07/08/2018)
jayeff, thank you for follow up as well as providing the link to Evaporator Fan Motor video, I do appreciate it! I understand where Evaporator Fan Motor (WR60X10208 & Gasket Foam WR14X10050), is located in the GE GSF251GXBBB side by side refrigerator, and can hear it running. I'm currently noticing temp swings on temp control display (unsure of part number). Temp should be 0 for freezer, and 37 degrees for refrigerator compartment however, freezer went all the way down to -9, back to 0 for a few days and now shows 4 degrees. Temp for refrigerator displays 45 degrees.
How would you test Difuser / Fridge Damper Control Assembly (WR13X10988 ), to confirm it functions properly?
Still think it may be the Temperature Sensor (GE WR55X10025), however, don't have enough experience to troubleshoot due to time and possibly losing perishables due to refrigerator issue. Will have to have technician diagnose.
Thanks again for taking the time to post and assistance. Very much appreciated!!
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