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Released in 2011; identified by model number 1390LMT

3 질문 전체 보기

My charging port is messed up

hi my charging port is messed up, keeps going On and OFF and in the middle of the route.What can I do to fix loose port?

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use this guide Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT Logic Board Replacement to get to the port. It is soldered to the mainboard. You could check and see if a resolder might fix it (if one or two of the contacts are loose). Worst case would be to replace the port. Hardest part on that would be to source a replacement. Once you have the board removed, post some images of your port etc. with your question. That way we can see what you see. Use thius guide 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기 for that. We might find other solutions based on what we see.

iFixit 이미지


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아주 쉬움

2 - 5 minutes

Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT Logic Board 이미지


Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT Logic Board Replacement



15 - 35 minutes

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