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첫 번째 iPhone 모델, Model A1203은 4, 8, 또는 16GB 용량과 알루미늄 뒷면을 가지고 있습니다. 수리를 하려면 상당한 양의 비집기와 납땜을 요구할 수 있습니다.

20 질문 전체 보기
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Force restore will not work; iTunes does not "see" phone

Following the directions on iFixit I can get my 1st Gen iPhone to display the connect to iTunes graphic, but when I connect it to my Mac iTunes does not "see" the iPhone, so I can't restore it. I tried two different USB ports and two different USB cables to be sure the issue wasn't the connection (and anyway both ports and cables work fine with my iPad).


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Have you tried plugging it into a wall? Does it charge? If it doesn't your dock connector may be bad. If that is not the case I wouldn't know.

Hope it helps!

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It charges fine.

Actually, having said that it doesn't appear to be charging consistently.. loose connection? Is that something I can replace, or is it on the logic board?

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