Does your screen not respond to touch on those areas at all times, or just when you are texting? I would see if those areas are responsive when the phone is turned or not. If the touch does not work at all in those areas, then you will need to replace the front panel. If it is only when you're texting, you could maybe restore the phone or bring it to apple to see what's going on. Hope this helps.
There are only three options of what could be wrong with the display. It could simply just be the cable is bad or the LCD is bad. Worst case its the connection on the logic board that is broken. I would first get a cable and see if that fixes the problem, if that does not work you can try a different LCD. If the problem is the logic board, maybe you could find a logic board repair place and they could do some soldering for you. Hope that helps, good luck!
If you bought the songs from the iTunes store then all of your music is okay and you just have to re-download it on your phone. The songs are linked to your account. So if you sign in on itunes and go to the store, you should see a list of purchased songs. If you didn't purchase from the iTunes store I would try previous answers.
I would open up your action monitor and see if you have an high CPU usage from any of your applications or plug ins. I have the same issues with mine running flash(like youtube or netflix). I have had issues where the flash plug in took 75% of my CPU. Check that and if everything looks fine when its hot then that is not the problem and would follow mayer. Hope it helps!
Have you tried plugging it into a wall? Does it charge? If it doesn't your dock connector may be bad. If that is not the case I wouldn't know. Hope it helps!
We have an entire section of iFixit dedicated to repair guides. You should take a look at it while you're here. As far as the Mac Mini hard drive, we happen to have the exact guide you're looking for. Mac mini Model A1176 Hard Drive Replacement
This could be anywhere from the battery, or the cable connecting the battery to the logic board. Like remacberlin said you should first use coconut battery and see what it says. System profiler could also tell you how much amperage is left in the battery, a healthy batter is anywhere from 4200-5200. Hope you figure it out.
I have a serious solution, this is my dad's company, Mobius Technologies, and they have been trying to get known so they can be heard and finally clean up this whole mess. Please pass on the word and video through facebook or anything you can to help. They have two demo videos here is one. Thanks