Is it worth pursuing repairing my phone?
I accidentally drowned my phone (Moto X Pure Edition) several days ago on a kayaking trip. As soon as I could, I turned it off and put it in a bag with a silica gel packet I had with me. On the way home, it accidentally got turned on in my pocket, but the screen had stopped working by that point and I had no means of doing a full shut down, since holding the power button just seems to restart it. I transferred it to a bag with perhaps a cup of silica gel desiccant and left it for several days.
At present, the screen still does not work, but the motion controls for turning on the flashlight and the camera do work. I’ve also caught it activating alarms a few times. It seems that it will charge the battery (since when I initially tried it, nothing happened at all, but it started doing a little bit after leaving it on the charger), but the computer does not register a device being plugged into it if I connect it by USB.
Does this sound like enough is working that it would be worth trying to repair it, or should I just go ahead and seek out a new phone? Thankfully, I’ve been pretty good about transferring pictures to my computer, so the only things I would seriously lose are the pictures from that trip.
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