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D1760-2 DECT 6.0 Cordless Home phone with caller ID.

190 질문 전체 보기

How can I please block calls I don’t want to take

I would like to block call centres from calling us please

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my uniden phone does not have a block button on it,all it has is talk/flash,end,pause,mute,intercom. menu/select,id caller

Hi @vickie6002000

What is the make and model number of the phone?

is the phone connected to a telephone line or to a modem using an internet connection?

If an internet connection (i.e. VOIP phone service) what is the make and model number of the modem?

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Hi @darl13 ,

What is the model number of the phone if it is not a Uniden 1760?

A lot of landline phones don't have the ability to block calls from specific numbers.

Perhaps the best that you can do is to subscribe to the Calling Number Display (CND) feature (also known as Calling Line identification - CLI), offered by your landline phone service provider, if you haven’t got this feature on your service already. (I say subscribe, as this feature, whilst free with mobile phone services usually costs with landline phone services.)

Once you have the feature on your phone service, when a call comes in, the calling number will be displayed on the phone. If you don't recognize the number (and the name if you have setup the "phonebook" option in the phone if available) you can ignore it and let it ring out. You can also simply pick up and hang up. That way at least they will have paid for the call. ;-)

If their number has not been sent forward and your phone displays "private" or "anonymous" again you have the option whether to answer it or not.

With CND, if you miss the call and it is from someone you know at least you know who called.

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