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Can I view screen with polarized glasses?

I am looking to purchase a new screen for my iPhone SE (I have vertical lines!) and was about to hit the button when I saw that a review stated the screen goes dark in standard portrait mode when wearing polarized glasses. My oem screen goes dark when in landscape angle, but not portrait. Can anyone confirm or deny this? thank you!

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Polarized light is used with LCD displays for them to work. So the polarity of the polarizer (Up to Down Vs Side to Side) you are wearing and what the screen was designed with can’t be at 90º with each other which will block the most light! It makes no difference who’s phone or tablet you are using as they all have this weakness!

So if you want to use sunglasses (with polarized lenses) when you are using your iPhone or iPad you’ll need to deal with both the orientation of your sunglasses and that of your device.

As an example wearing my el-cheap-o polarized glasses when looking at my factory fresh iPhone (or iPad) screen held with the narrow side to side offers a darker screen! My more expensive circular polarized glasses does not shift at all! But, it’s a bit darker than my cheaper glasses when they are twisted offering the most light. Keep in mind your glasses might be 90º to mine!

So depending on your sunglasses you will find the orientation you are using your iPhone or iPad may not be the ideal brightness!

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@crunchy409 that is perfectly okay. This has nothing to do with the quality of the screen that you were going to use for replacement. It is usually due to a mismatched polarizing film used when these displays are build/rebuild. The films are not the same as your OEM screen uses. The OEM is of higher quality but also more expensive. So, if you need an OEM screen to use your sunglasses while using your phone, you’d have to get it fixed via Apple :-< Otherwise you are okay with buying the one you are inquiring about.

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