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Repair information for standalone freezers.

197 질문 전체 보기

In the summer, my GE refrigerator and freezer are both too warm.

I’ve cleaned the coils (they weren’t dirty), we had a repairman replace some fitting (it was soldered on, something to do with gas). That fixed it up for a while, but this summer we ended up using the fridge to store grains and bread, the freezer as the fridge, and the small freezer in the basement.

I am a little handy, and may want to take a shot at a fix if it’s pretty straightforward.

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Hi @matthewstarobin ,

What is the model number of the refrigerator?

Can you hear (or feel - be careful as it may be very hot) if the compressor is running continually trying to drive the temp down?

Can you hear (or see) if the condenser fan is running? This fan is usually mounted near the condenser coils and the compressor motor.

What are the temperatures in both the freezer section and the refrigerator section?

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It needs charged again with gas but first you should find the leak and reseal that. A new frig has its gas installed at the factory, if you want to add more later, you need to add on a fitting like your technician did. His work was not perfect and the gas leaked out. If there is still gas pressure inside, you can TOP OFF the gas to make it full again. If there is no gas pressure inside then you need to start over again, fix the leak, vacuum out the air and recharge with the proper amount of gas.

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But when fall came (cooler) the fridge and freezer kept their temperature. This only happens when it's warm outside (we don't have airco in the kitchen). Does it still seem like a leak?

there are two reasons why it gets cold, one is freon in the system is exchanging heat, the other is the heat exchanger is exchanging heat. You say you have cleaned the coils, is there a fan involved. Your hint is when ambient temperatures are better, then it cools better. If you cool the coils manually such as with a fan or water then the system will cool internally better.

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