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Rival's white single 12 oz cup coffee maker. Model number: CM4015

9 질문 전체 보기

How do I assemble my CM4015 rival coffee maker?

How do i assemble my model CM4015 rival 12oz coffee maker. When i got to set the basket/filter in the top doesn’t seem to close all the way. Where or how does the basket and filter set properly in machine?

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Kayla Couch check this guide Rival CM4015 Lid Replacement If that does not work you may need to post some pictures with your question so that we cna see what you see. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

iFixit 이미지


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아주 쉬움

2 - 5 minutes

Rival CM4015 Lid 이미지


Rival CM4015 Lid Replacement



3 minutes

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