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Model A1285 / 8 or 16 GB capacity

206 질문 전체 보기

Why is it turning on by itself?

So I accidentally dropped my ipod nano 4th gen in clean water but it only stayed there for about just 2 seconds because I quickly grabbed it back, it went for just about 1 feet under. I turned it off before putting it in a bag of rice. After 3 hours, I hastily grabbed my ipod back and I turned it on, it works fine, the screen is perfect, it can play songs, I could still connect it to computer...

But the problem is everytime I turn it off, it turns on by itself after 1-3mins. I also tried locking it after turning it off but it'll still turn on by itself, I basically have tried everything to fix it... It's never happened before I dropped it in water... I'm wondering if water really destroys ipod even if it went in the water for just 2 seconds???

-->Is my ipod damaged already?

-->Should I wait for about a week to a month to see if it will return back to normal?

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Here is a guide that is mostly recommended for any kind of submersion Electronics Water Damage and yes even a short submersion can cause you problems. I would follow the guides here to get at least to the point of changing the battery. My gut feeling says that is where your problem is. Good Luck.

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1) sounds like either a problem with the logic board or a problem with your power connections

2) water damage for 2 seconds can cause minor damage

3) You may want to wait a week or month to see if it works, but if you want it fixed ASAP, open it up and take a look.

Follow this tutorial, iPod Nano 4th Generation Logic Board Assembly Replacement

When you have it all opened, play around (not majorly) with the power connector and make sure it is connected properly.

If it still does not work after putting it back together, it may be your iPod's logic board. I would wait to see if it fixes itself, or else you'll have to live with the damage.

Best of luck!

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