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Repair guides and disassembly information for the MacBook Pro 16'' released in November of 2019. Model A2141, EMC 3347.

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Can the battery be replaced manually?

I’m wondering if the battery can be replaced manually (without sending to Apple, of course).

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It’s not going to be replaced automatically even if you send it to Apple. Someone has to take it apart and replace parts manually.

The official way to replace the battery is to replace the whole lower case, including keyboard and maybe trackpad, however that is expensive and will cause you to lose a few functions that are paired to the logic board. If you want to replace just the battery, you have to scrape the packs off the case, which can be a fire hazard if you don’t do it carefully enough.

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@tomchai - FYI you won't lose any functions replacing the uppercase or the battery alone.

The only risk is you need to transfer the TouchID button to the new uppercase so you do need to be careful you don't damage it. This is true for the 2018 & 2019 13" & 15" systems as well.

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Gerardo - Apple doesn’t make replacing the battery easy! Here’s a similar system to give you an idea whats involved MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 Battery Replacement

As the system is so new we don’t have any guides setup for them yet!

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