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Repair Guides for Dell Desktops.

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windows wont start,dll kernel error message

I have an older Dell Dimension 2350 and it just stopped working.Says windows couldnt start becuase of load needed for DLL kernel.Is there anything I can do?Plz help.Thank you.

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have you tried safe mode yet? did you install or uninstall any recent hardware or software? Did this just all of a sudden happen? Do you have the windows system disk? Which version windows is it?

its windows xp.I just happened all of a sudden.It just goes to a black screen saying windows was unable to load becuase of load needed for dll kernel,and to let tech support know.The load screen wont go any farther than that.It doesnt allow me to go to the safe mode screen.

what dll is missing?

Follow the link I am providing it will definitely help you. https://opendllfile.co/open-bin-file/

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Diane, it looks like you will have to reinstall XP. It is probably one of the start-up files that got delete. Check this site and this one as well. They will show you how to repair your Windows install. The only real issue here is that you have to have a version of Windows XP system disk. Good Luck to you.

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I am a desktop engineer with 10 years experience . . mostly with Dell equipment . . .

Best option is to do a fresh install of windows, complete with all software, and then create an image with Ghost or similar (don't forget to sysprep it)

Imaging in this way takes literally minutes to completely re-install all your software.

As long as you regularly backup your data to an external source, and store your image there also, you will have a solution that is quick and complete in case of future problems.

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Missing DLL Files - put your operating System CD [Windows XP] in DVD player and it will give you different options. Clean Install,Install Files.

Install DLL files for your O.S.Then repoot your system.Should take care of you problem.If not E-mail at garycfuchs@gmail.com.

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I have a windows xp pro disk.

yup, just like the previous two answers already stated 1 1/2 yrs ago. careful with the "windows xp pro disk" We do not share copyrighted software on here.

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