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Model A1288 / 8, 16, or 32 GB capacity

451 질문 전체 보기

iPod A1288 Soaked in perfume!Is there any hope of repair?

My mom's perfume leaked in her handbag together with my IPOD A1288. I dont know if it was turned on or not but it's off now and I dont want to charge it because im scared it will get damaged more. Is there any hope of repair?

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morne, there is always hope. you did right by no turning it on. Follow this guide first. Use the step-by-step guides to disassemble your iPod as much as necessary to clean it well. Most of the perfume will be something alcohol based and should not do to much physical harm to your iPod. Clean it, change the battery according to the guides and reevaluate. Let us know how it is going, good luck.

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