Bad Smell coming from MacBook Memory patches.
Hello people,
I’m battling with some bad smell / stink with my Mid 2012 Unibody 15” MacBook Pro since quite some time now.
I’ve read of the body odor smell problem, but not quite sure if that is it. But similar. Mostly the issue appears with high load/temperatures
As of now I’ve changed the old battery. It was time and getting really hot in there. After changing the Temperatur dropped by 20*C
I‘ve changed the thermal paste, since I read it causes the smell. And it was old and time too.
Today I am changing the fans since bearings are making noise and can cause smell when wearing out.
Next I would like to clean keyboard/backlight since there’s all the gunk of 10years of usage which definitely will not smell like unicorns.
And I will replace the DDR3 memory modules since these smell too. Which brings me to my question: Can anyone give me some guidance on what is shown in the pictures?
It is some piece of foam(?) and is located right on top and below the ram modules. Pressing firmly into the modules. and it is going to peel off.
They smell pretty bad. (I’m wondering if they cause the smell or the memory modules cause the smell)
My guess is, that they are some form of heat spreader and begin to smell when getting too hot.
I think that the system got too hot at some point in the past decade and the materials just wore of.
Could they be the cause of the smell and can they be fixed, replaced or safely removed?
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