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Can anyone help me find a security screw bit?

Hello all!

I have a custom PS5 controller that I'm trying to tear down and clean out, and it appears they used 4 different security screws for the shell. The 2 IFixIt kits that I have had bits for 3 out of the 4. This last one appears to be a pentagon shape with a pin in the middle.

Ordered what I hoped would help from Amazon, but they appear to be too big. As far as a size example, a Torx TR6 security bit seems to be close to a perfect match

Block Image

If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!

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Use a tiny flat bit to snap the pin out.

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Since you are asking us. Click on "Store" at top of page. Select region closest to you. I'm closest to Australia. The cheapest kit for you would be the Minnow Driver Kit:

Minnow Driver Kit

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I have both the Mako Driver Kit - 64 bits as well as the Manta Driver Kit - 112 bits, but neither appear to have the bit for this screw.

Please note that I only mentioned the Torx TR6 as a size sample for the screw itself. The screw appears to use a pentagon shape. I tried this set, but they were too big. Can't seem to find anything smaller, so figured I'd try here just in case anyone else has had this issue.

Daman 10pc Penta Plus 5 sided Security Screwdriver Bit Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095176BZ3?ref...

Hi @tdjohnson1991

That's a tough one. Be ruthless and just cut a slot in the screw head with a Dremel, remove and replace screws standard Philips?

@tdjohnson1991 how small is the smallest Pentagon driver in that set? If you can't reach the screw head with a Dremel, use the Dremel to grind the closest bit to size like a Tool and Die maker

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Hi @tdjohnson1991

Looks like a penta head security screw (supplier example only).

As for the size it's a bit hard to know but the sizes are shown in the link.

If the worst comes to worst, drill the head off the screw with a drill bit the same size as the screwhead and then lift off the case etc. Then use pliers etc to unscrew the remainder of the screw left in the body.

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