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Repair guides and disassembly information for the MacBook Pro 16'' released in November of 2019. Model A2141, EMC 3347.

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MacBook Pro 16 Very slow on battery


recently started to have a problem with my 16" MacBook Pro.

When it's not charging and battery fall bellow 80% MacBook is very slow. When working with apps like Photoshop (high performance need), the MAC is completely unusable and sometimes even shuts down.

Also, cooling fan is not working on battery, only when charging. Needed to install TG Pro to get the fans working.

I noticed, when it's on battery (unplugged), kernel_task is working hard (500%+ CPU). So in TG Pro I checked CPU Throttle fix (keeps the fans running fast). But this didn't help a much.

When MAC is plugged in, all is working fine.

Tried reboot, SMC reset.

Apple diagnostics showed No issues.

Also need to notice that the MacBook had a water spill accident arround a year ago. Got it reapired. Till now worked just fine (except white spots on display from water).

Any ideas? :)

Update (02/23/2023)

Plugged in

Block Image

Right after unplugged

Block Image

Still working good, but look at battery % (menu bar vs coconut)

Block Image

And we are bellow 70% and extremely slow (couldn't even click on dock for a while)

Block Image

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Let’s look deeper into your batteries health, install this App CoconutBattery post a snapshot while the system is under charge and a second when the system is sluggish.

Update (02/23/2023)

@nikolas_niko - We you do have a strange one here for sure! What I can tell you is the battery is not the issue as much as it appears! While we don’t have a good capture of the battery under charge as it was already charged there’s is enough of a clue within CoconutBattery to point to a very different issue!

If we look at the temp the battery is at we can see it’s quite high! Which leads me to believe you have a cooling issue here as you are forcing TG Pro to pump the fans up. I’m suspecting your fans and cooling fins are choked up with dust! So you are not getting the maximum cooling effect. It’s also possible the heat sink has failed as the cooling tubes are filled with a coolant which could have leaked out.

Then to add a bit more here your workflow is photography using LightRoom which I also use my self. But, depending on the image size and what you are manipulating can stress even this system due to its limited RAM & Storage causing it to heat up excessively.

So what is your system config RAM & Storage and how much free space does it have? Also are using an external drive to hold your work or using iCloud or other web based server to hold your work?

So, it’s time to dig into your system to at least inspect thing and maybe improve things. Follow this guide MacBook Pro 16" 2019 하단 케이스 교체 then carefully clean out the surface dust using a small soft paint brush and a can of can’ed air to blow the dust and debris away with short blasts. We don’t have a guide to take the fans out but the MacBook Pro 16" 2019 분해도 I thin offers enough clues to take them out if you are careful. That way you can gain access to the fins and clean the fan blades. Again using the brush to dust the surfaces and the can’ed air.

If you can inspect the battery making sure it has not become swollen. Compare with the guides images checking all four cells. Which your battery still has life from a cycle count there still could be a bad cell which is masked.

As to your question on what there is a discrepancy between the finders battery status and CoconutBattery. The difference is well within what I have seen. There are a few variables that get in the way here as the OS has a lower ring of access than what CoconutBattery as such the OS is more timely and the CoconutBattery API probe is also not that aggressive (nor do you want it to be), otherwise it would hog the thread pool.

MacBook Pro 16" 2019 이미지


MacBook Pro 16" 2019 분해도



MacBook Pro 16" 2019 하단 케이스 이미지


MacBook Pro 16" 2019 하단 케이스 교체



5 - 10 minutes

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