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The Nikon COOLPIX B500 is a mid-tier superzoom point and shoot camera. It is sold in black, purple, and red.

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How much to replace the LCD screen?

How much is it to replace the LCD screen?

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@kevzextraat8914 iFixit does not do repairs. Here you get empowered to fix your own device. The LCD screen is around USD$20-$30. Even so there is no guide for the B500, you can use the one for the B700. Luckily the coolpix models are similar in taking it apart. The B500 does not bend like the B700 but most likely has the screws in similar places. Just take your time and compare the guide to your camera to move systematically forward. Remember, the LCD is already broken so you can't make it any worse. But you can save yourself some money by repairing it yourself.

Of course if you really can't or it seems to be to daunting, do an online search for a repair shop that meets your criteria.

Nikon Coolpix B700 LCD Screen Replacement

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