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Repair and disassembly information for Samsung's flagship S20+ Android smartphone, released in March of 2020.

37 질문 전체 보기

Is my back glass replacable?

Not long ago, I dropped my phone and I cracked the back glass. I was hoping if I could replace it without spending too much money.

To be specific, I own a limited variant of the series, which is the BTS S20+ phone. It has its own unique design for the back glass and everything.

With that being said, would it be possible to even find a replacement?

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Hi @victoria24043

The only BTS edition back cover for a Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F SM-G986B), that I can find has a part number of GH82-21634K / GH82-27287K

It doesn't specify whether it is glass or not, (presumably it is), only that it is purple in colour.

If this is the one for your phone, search online using the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

Here's the ifixit Samsung Galaxy S20+ Back Cover Replacement guide that may also help.

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