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Club Car Golf Cart/클럽카 골프카트 브랜드의 이름을 따서 골프카 또는 클럽카라고 불리는 가스-구동 및 전기 골프 카트 지원.

495 질문 전체 보기

Lights, horn, and charging port dont work

I have a Cusgman 72V cart and the electric bed works, but the lights, horn, and USB charging device all went out at the same time.

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Hi @johnyounginer,

What is the year model of your Cushman 72V cart?

2021 Cushman Hauler Pro

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가장 유용한 답변

@johnyounginer check your fuses box. Make sure that your fuses are all in good working order. Next you want to check the DC-DC converter. See if you have power to that as well as the relay which enables your converter.

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