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Power overheating, smoke, black on screen

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Hi all,

So I've had my TV for maybe 7 years with no issues.

Samsung - Ue55ku6400u

Just woke up this morning turned it on, smell of a burning fuse from the back, poof of smoke... turned it off for 10 minutes then back on. Faded black image across top to bottom of TV and now a solid black line next to it.

Time to replace the TV or is this fixable?

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@rosscunningham post some pictures of where the smoke was on the back of the panel.

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Hi @rosscunningham

The boards look OK but the 5th image seems to suggest a faulty backlight Led or Leds given the dark shadow so perhaps the burning smell may have been one failing and then overheating and melting part of the plastic diffuser but this is just a guess.

The black vertical line could be a tab connection fault This is the ribbon cable(s) connection onto the LCD panel itself and the cable lifts off the panel hence the black line.

Both problems seem to be with the screen i.e. backlights and cable connection from the screen itself.

You could check to see if a section of the cable in line with the vertical black line has lifted (only a small section would have lifted) and check if you can tape it back down and still maintain electrical contact between the cable and the panel. It is a very fragile connection so take it easy.

Here's a video that may help. I couldn't find one for your exact model but generally they're the same.

You can see the tab cables (aka address board cables) at 10:07 minutes in.

Also remember which way the diffuser sheet comes off so that you put it back on the same way and not back to front.

Backlight strips (example only) for your model are available online. Just search for Ue55ku6400u backlight strips to find suppliers that suit you best.

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@rosscunningham looks like you smoked a board other than the power board. Check the "long, skinny " boards that connect to your LCD panel. those are the driver boards. It is entirely possible that one of the COF "went up in smoke". What we need you to do, is to post some pictures of all of the other boards and how they are laid out in the back of your TV. As for the irregular shaped shadow, this is definitely a bad backlight just like @jayeff already suggested. To replace that use this guide. The steps are pretty much identical to your panel. Samsung Television UE49KU6640 Backlight Replacement Step 12 on that guide also shows a driver boards and the flex cables. Those boards are not replaceable.

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I see nothing smoked on the board. If you can't find a smoked part on any board, then the only thing left is the display, but I have never heard of a display smoking. The faded black would suggest a backlight issue. The line is a drive or display issue.

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