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2011년 10월 24일 출시 / 2.2, 2.4, 또는 2.5 GHz 쿼드-코어 Intel Core i7 프로세서

406 질문 전체 보기

What could be a fix if it is not charging?

E One of my old MacBook Pro has issue of battery not charging at all, and I did the followings:

  1. Pram and smt reset, no luck.
  2. Unplug battery indicator cable from logic board, no luck.
  3. Laptop became extremely slow if battery cable is connected with logic board, unplug it, it performs faster (but still slower than normal)
  4. Purchased a used battery over eBay and installed it, same issue as above.

So, what could be the issue here, logic board is bad or need to try another battery instead?

Any thoughts?

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@lovecd first thing you want to do is to check your battery. Download coconutBattery for Mac and post a screenshot of what it reports when you run it. Most likely you'll need a new battery. Not the greatest place (Purchased a used battery over eBay) to get good parts.

Let us know what color the LED on your MagSafe is. Once you have the battery changed and it is still not charging, then we can check your logic board, MagSafe DC-in board etc for any issues.

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Late 2011 배터리 교체

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Battery

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Battery 이미지


MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Battery


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@oldturkey03, hi, thanks for your message. I just uploaded two pictures there, which are with the battery I purchased from eBay few days ago. Do you think I should try and buy another battery?


@lovecd I would. It will come in handy for further troubleshooting. That way we will not have to wonder if it is not the battery. It'll give us a known-well starting point for further troubleshooting.

@oldturkey03, OK, I will get it updated once I have the new battery installed.


@oldturkey03, Hi, here is the update, getting another new battery and have it installed, it works now, so, it was the battery issue. Thanks for your comments, really appreciated!

@lovecd awesome! glad it worked.

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measure dc voltage after wall xfmer= transformer and usb cable.

May use a usb to headphone adapter to easier place probes

an analog meter uses electricity from the electrical outlet past the xfmer box that contains 2 coils; winding of different number formerly used to drop 120 v ac from outlet to about 20v ac that is rectified passed through one way door to positive diodes and capacitively filtered to the precise voltage written on laptop pay attention to polarity of i/p if buying a replacement universal supply with multiple tips . This is the theory which could now be done perhaps with op amp internal or smaller integrated cct with feedback. ..

Basically output of plug adapter should be about about 19Vdc and the same at the usb cable o/p to laptop

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