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2006 중반기/ 모델 번호 A1181 / 검정 또는 흰색 케이스 / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo 프로세서.

418 질문 전체 보기

Why does my MacBook screen turn white when I turn it on?

Recently I was online on my computer and the internet started to freeze up and stop working. The rainbow spinning ball was happening for a while and the top right corner of my computer where the wifi connection and battery power are wasn't showing up. I tried to restart my computer but when it turned back on only the start up sound and a blank white screen comes up. A few times I had seen a folder with a question mark on it blinking in the middle of the screen. I have read other solutions to problems like this and had tried to start the computer while pressing 'option' and instead of getting the option menu like I was told, now my mouse can be seen on the screen. Really confused.

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It sounds to me like your hard drive is fried. When the folder shows up it means that the MacBook cannot find a folder to boot from. The white screen shows up most likely because the computer briefly finds the folder but then the hard drive malfunctions and leaves it trying to load. I have seen many MacBooks with the exact symptoms and they need their hard drive replaced. I can say that I am 99% sure that a new hard drive is in order. Yo can use this guide to install a new hard drive:

MacBook Core Duo Hard Drive Replacement

... and you can find compatible hard drives here that fit you budget:


You will also need to have either the original install discs that came with your Mac or an install USB drive. If you can't find either then Apple will usually give them to you for about $20.

Hope this Helps

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