Auto Boot/자동 부팅 기능은 노트북의 덮개를 열기만 하면 자동으로 전원이 켜지게 하므로 특정 수리를 하기 전에 이 기능을 비활성화해야 합니다. 자동 부팅은 2016 (및 최신) MacBook Pro와 2017 (및 최신) 12인치 Retina MacBook에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
이 안내서는 자동 부팅을 비활성화한 후, 수리가 완료되면 다시 활성화하는 과정을 안내합니다.
참고: 자동 부팅 비활성화는 2020년 후반 모델과 이후에 출시된 Apple의 최신 ARM 기반 M 시리즈 MacBook에서는 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 현재로서는 Big Sur v11.1 이상을 탑재한 기기에서 자동 부팅을 비활성화하는 절차는 알려져 있지 않습니다.
다음 명령을 복사하여 Terminal/터미널에 붙여넣으세요 (또는 정확하게 입력하세요):
sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00
[return] 키를 누르세요.
만약 관리자 비밀번호를 요구하면 비밀번호를 입력하고 [return] 키를 누르세요.
I have a new MacBook pro 13 MI chip and tried doing this on my computer because I was very annoyed. I followed these steps and it did not work. I still have not found a solution. Are there any suggestions?
Good question! These instructions are for Intel-based machines—I don’t know of any solution for the newer ARM-based (M1) MacBooks. If we learn how to do it, we’ll update the instructions.
Ciao, provando la seguente procedura su MacBook Air 2020 (Intel) non accade nulla una volta inserita la password.
Ho provato a spegnere per vedere se le modifiche avevano effetto ma niente, il Mac si avvia premendo tasti e aprendo il display.
Solo in alcune occasioni invece mi viene mostrata la percentuale della batteria a schermo nero.
Quando fa cosi significa che è stato disattivato l’avvio automatico?
grazie, spero mi possiate aiutare.
I tried this on a USA MacBook Pro 2018 (A1989 EMC 3214), but it did not work.
AutoBoot remains on. What now?
Newer ARM-based M1/M2 MacBooks seem to have a
auto-boot true
variable listed by default innvram
(instead ofAutoBoot
). So this should probably besudo nvram auto-boot=false
for M1 and later Macs (I haven't thoroughly tested this yet).Well, the auto-boot=false command doesn't work either on my M1 MacBook Air. Apple says there is no way to prevent the MacBook M1 from starting when the lid opens. VERY stupid and annoying "feature." Can the more recent ARM MacBooks (M2, M3) disable this annoyance?
One slight problem I found with the Mid 2018 MacBook Pro 13-inch: It still powers on if you accidentally touch the touchpad or inadvertently press a key. Is there a way to disable this behaviour temporarily whilst carrying out repairs?
On top of that, I couldn’t find a comprehensive 2018 teardown guide, so wasn’t even sure which one was the battery connector. I disconnected what I thought was the battery, but viewing some other videos, it appears I didn’t have the battery disconnected whilst replacing the screen! Out of sheer luck, nothing got fried and the replacement screen works fine.
Mac의 전원을 켜고 Terminal/터미널을 실행하세요.
다음 명령을 복사하여 Terminal/터미널에 붙여넣으세요 (또는 정확하게 입력하세요):
sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03
[return] 키를 누르세요.
관리자 비밀번호가 요구되면, 비밀번호를 입력하고 [return]키를 누르세요.
Für manche Reparaturen ist es nötig, die Autoboot-Funktion zu deaktivieren.
Beim MacBook Air M1 z.B. funktioniert das aber nicht.
Ich habe es so umgangen. Eine Wäscheklammer neben dem TouchPad befestigt.
Nach dem Ausschalten klappt das Air dann nicht ganz zu.
Autoboot passiert aber nur, wenn das MacBook (fast) ganz geschlossen war.
So bleibt es ausgeschaltet und die Reparatur ist möglich ohne unbeabsichtigten Neustart.
Doesn't work, it still auto boots
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댓글 24개
hello may i ask, how do u make it Jeff$? mine’s scarlet$ and i want to change it but idk how
You change the your user/Homefolder name
You do not need to change it for the command to work. But if you really do want to for a different reason, rename your home folder name.
I can’t type anything into the terminal…what am I doing wrong?
it doesn’t work on MacBook Air><
my sister’s pro did work, thanks!! but mine can’t do so. what should I do???
This was a great help to replace my MacBook Pro battery. Great step by step explanations. I received kit and followed the directions.
Hi there. Didn’t work with my Macbook Pro 2020 M1. Any other way to disable autostart when lid open? Thanks a lot!
Hi I have done this and it worked in disabaling the auto boot feature but it now displays the battery symbol with the percentage charge! Is there a way to disable the battery symbol from appearing?
Kirk Davis - 답글
This only prevents from turning on when lid is opened, but pressing any key it turns on again… very annoying
A word of caution: Don't try this on a Mac M1.
sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00
had no effect.
Afterwards, I tried sudo nvram auto-boot=true
. The result was that my MacBook Pro 2021 failed to boot altogether. A revive procedure from another Mac (and three attempts until I got that right) was needed to get it running again.
NOT a tipp, just a question: on an M mac, has anyone tried to set sudo nvram auto-boot=%00
(to turn auto boot off) and sudo nvram auto-boot=%01
(on again)?
$@$* how do I do this if my screen is broken
Hi there,
I need to enable the function in my MacBook Pro14" (M1 Max) that it automatically turns on/boots when I plug it in power or in my case a USB C external monitor.
Thank you in advance for anyone coming up with a solution.
Can you do it?
Ne fonctionne pas sur macbook pro M2PRO
I just want to wipe down my keyboard without locking my account out (I don't know if it's a thing, I just know the last time I did it, my MBP refused my correct password. Had to do an online thing to reset my password back to the original one!). Shame this apparently doesn't work for apple silicon. I'll give it a shot though when I can.
Perfect instruction, had never opened a Macbook Air before but the exchange of the display worked without any glitches!
How do you disconnect auto boot if your screen doesn't turn on
Per Apple's support article publishd on January 30th, 2025, here is out to disable and re-enable the Auto Boot feature.
Official solution for Apple Silicon
Apple just published an advisory (2025.01.30) [archive link for posterity] that describes the steps to prevent MacBooks running macOS Sequoia from booting upon opening the lid.
To prevent startup when opening the lid or connecting to power:
sudo nvram BootPreference=%00
To prevent startup only when opening the lid:
sudo nvram BootPreference=%01
To prevent startup only when connecting to power:
sudo nvram BootPreference=%02
To undo any of the previous commands and reenable automatic startup when opening the lid or connecting to power, enter
sudo nvram -d BootPreference
in Terminal.
Source: https://apple.stackexchange.com/question...
I personally haven't tried it because I'm running Sonoma.
Hi. This does not work on 2018 13” MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. I did exactly this to disable auto boot. But when I check by using nvram -p it says: auto-boot true. Am I doing something incorrectly? I did everything step by step. Copied and pasted the sudo command, pressed enter and then entered my password. I have Big Sur 11.1 installed. Is there any other way since I need to replace the screen. Thank you. Adrian
Adrian Vizik - 답글
I am having trouble enabling and disabling auto boot on a 2018 A1932 Air. If you are going to replace the screen, just open the machine and let it boot. Then hold the on / off touch ID button in until it shuts down. Then remove the back cover and slide the battery plug out of it's socket on the logic board. It's then safe to replace the screen.
Peter Newman - 답글