Disc Brake Shimano BR-M445 Brake Pads Replacement
Swing squeaking brake pads on the disc brake.
Loosen the clamping screw with 4mm Allen key / Allen and remove the front wheel from the fork.
Press the cotter pin together with the pointed pliers at the ends and pull out.
Push the squeaky brake pads out with the needle nose pliers. (For heavily worn brake pads, push the brake pistons outwards).
Insert the new brake pads together with the spring into the caliper.
Insert the new split pin and gently press the ends apart with the needle nose pliers.
Insert the front wheel into the fork and tighten the axle bolt with the 4mm Allen key / Allen key.
Test concentricity and dynamo.
Repeat the steps in order to reassemble your device.
Repeat the steps in order to reassemble your device.
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