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Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기

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  1. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, Joy Con 컨트롤러 잠금 탭 해제하기: 1 단계, 이미지 3개 중 1개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, Joy Con 컨트롤러 잠금 탭 해제하기: 1 단계, 이미지 3개 중 2개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, Joy Con 컨트롤러 잠금 탭 해제하기: 1 단계, 이미지 3개 중 3개
    • 이 수리를 시작하기 전에, 기기 전원이 완전히 꺼져 있는지 확인하세요.

    • Joy Con 컨트롤러 후면의 작은 동그란 버튼을 누르고 있으세요.

    • 버튼을 누른 상태에서, 컨트롤러를 위를 향해서 미세요.

    Kann ich diese Anleitung auch für die OLED anwenden? Habe im INet sonst leider nichts brauchbares gefunden.

    Ina Barz - 답글

    backup all your sd card data i had to format mine after this tutorial and lost all my game data

    JustForThisComment?ComeOn - 답글

    do not watch the video! i broke the metal shielding on my switch because they didn't mention a screw!!!

    Macro Man - 답글

  2. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, Joy Con 컨트롤러 분리하기: 2 단계, 이미지 3개 중 1개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, Joy Con 컨트롤러 분리하기: 2 단계, 이미지 3개 중 2개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, Joy Con 컨트롤러 분리하기: 2 단계, 이미지 3개 중 3개
    • Joy Con 컨트롤러가 콘솔에서 완전히 분리될 때까지 위를 향해서 계속 미세요.

    • 이 동일한 과정을 다른 쪽 Joy Con에도 반복하세요.

  3. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, 후면 나사 풀기: 3 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    이 단계에 사용된 도구:
    Magnetic Project Mat
    • Y00 스크루드라이버를 사용하여 후면 패널을 고정하는 6.3mm-길이 나사 네 개를 풀어주세요.

    • 수리하는 동안, 풀어놓은 각각의 나사를 기억하여 원래 자리로 정확히 돌려놓으세요.

    Had to use a Y0 from my kit - the Y00 was too small to get a grip on the screw.

    cday - 답글

    I also had a much easier time with Y0 versus Y00. Y00 felt like it was starting to strip the first screw I tried to remove.

    Joe -

    My screws took a little coaxing before they were all ready to come out of the back plate, but I remedied this by turning the screwdriver as little as possible with each turn. Use almost no pressure, except for at the very beginning of each screw’s first turn.

    nin10doh - 답글

    I think my screws are stripped, any way to get them out?

    Banjomanperson - 답글

    I hear that using a rubber band can help? Not 100% sure on that though.

    Pifase -

    My top 2 screws are stripped, one into triangle, the other circle, rather than triangle spokes.

    AndrewDaPro - 답글

    This happened when I replaced the micro-sd card slot, which turned out to have replaced the broken one with another one that turns out to be broken. I need to fix the fact that when I reapplied the back cover, the vent was misaligned.

    AndrewDaPro -

    I had huge problems removing the bottom two screws. I continued with the next steps and lifted the plastic shell as much as possible while using the screwdriver and it became an ease.

    JustForThisComment?ComeOn - 답글

    y0 works best. Press HARD at beginning then ease off to finish.

    J LWsMommy - 답글

    what to do if your screw is stripped??

    suru - 답글

    I haven't tried neither solutions that I am gonna propose here but

    1. Poor some Isopropyl Alcohol, one small drop will do, get a piece of cotton (not any clothing) and dip it in the Isopropyl Alcohol, apply and then try to get a grip with tweezers and turn it out

    OR (I do not reccomend it since it can cause huge damage if done wrong)

    2. Grab a small drill and drill through the screw. Keep in mind; the screw is very small.

    If you do one of these and it goes wrong, I am not responsible for that.

    DongComArts -

    I had to file down the point of the y00 bit. As it came, I was not able to get the back screws out. It would just slip in the screw.

    Dave - 답글

    Y1.5 is correct, perfect fit.

    Orpheus - 답글

    this is so difficult the screwdriver doesnt help AT ALL

    Issa - 답글

  4. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, 상단 및 하단 나사 풀기: 4 단계, 이미지 2개 중 1개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기, 상단 및 하단 나사 풀기: 4 단계, 이미지 2개 중 2개
    • JIS 000 드라이버 혹은 iFixit PH 000 드라이버를 사용하여 후면 패널을 고정하는 다음 나사들을 풀어주세요:

    • 기기 상단 가장자리에 있는 2.5mm-길이 나사 한 개

    • 기기 하단 가장자리에 있는 2.5mm-길이 나사 두 개

    • 단단히 조여진 나사가 마모되는 걸 막기 위해서 아래로 단단히 누르고 천천히 돌리세요. 그래도 나사가 움직이지 않을 경우 다른 JIS 000 또는 PH 000 드라이버를 사용해 보세요.

    Hey guys, I tried removing the upper screw and it won't go out(neither will it go in) any tips how to fix this?


    Nemysis - 답글

    The screw boss might be stripped out. Has the device been taken apart before? If you can unscrew it a little bit to get the screw to peek out, maybe try and grab it with some pliers as a last-ditch effort.

    Craig Lloyd -

    I have the same problem. The JIS 000 tool works great on the joy con rails per step 5 but refuses to turn the bottom two 2.5 mm screws as in step 4. These bottom screws are noticeably smaller than the screws as in step 5. The JIS 000 does not get down into these screws. Hopefully they haven’t been stripped by the wrong tool. So is there a JIS tool that is smaller than 000? I’m stuck at this point…

    david brown - 답글

    We used the JIS 3.0mm screwdriver for both top and bottom screws and it worked

    Brooklyn Gardner - 답글

    Used PH00 to get these out with no problem.

    cday - 답글

    Fun fact: these screw into little plastic tabs that stick out of the rear panel. Apparently those tabs are fragile and easy to just break off…

    Benjamin Fritz - 답글

    If the screw is turning but not coming out, the plastic tab that it screws into is probably damaged or broken. You’ll need to try to pry the screw out with tweezers as you unscrew it. It is not the end of the world if you can’t screw these back in during reassembly.

    claudio ocano -

    My screws came out fine. But they are easily stripped with too much pressure on reassmbly

    Jaxon Lee - 답글

    this screws are way too fragile and way too small so be careful when taking them off dont use much force and unscrew also one of them fell somewhere and spent 30 mins searching for it

    Richard Aguirre - 답글

    PH000 will work if you don’t have JIS000. The large IFIXIT kit has both and I lost JIS000. Just be very careful as you can strip the heads when removing or inserting easier.

    Shawn Spivey - 답글

    One thing that worked pretty well for me with the screws not coming out is slightly prying on the back cover to put them under some tension

    Florian Kraupa - 답글

    I just came here to also confirm and say thanks to Florian for the tip. This saved me a lot of time and frustration.

    Jon Nielsen -

    Quick note, these screws are not magnetic. A magnetic screwdriver will hold onto any of the others safely, but you need to be careful not to drop these ones in particular.

    Jason Lane - 답글

    These would just keep rotating and not come out. What worked was, as Florian Kraupa suggested, i slid a plastic pick just between the 2 shells near the screws to prise it open slightly, then unscrewed and out they came. They're the smallest screws I've ever almost not seen before, so be careful with them.

    Susannah Carter - 답글

    Der Tausch von Akku (separate Anleitung) und Lüfter ging einfach vonstatten. Die Anleitung ist echt gut und leicht verständlich. Man sollte aber gewohnt sein, mit extrem kleinen Anschlüssen, Schrauben und Platinen zu arbeiten, da alles da drin recht klein ausgelegt ist und keine Toleranz für grobschlächtiges Arbeiten erlaubt! Meine Switch ist nun wieder wie neu :) - Danke iFixit!

    The swapping of battery (separate instruction) and fan was fairly manageable. The instructions are easy to understand. One should be used to handle with extremely finnicky connectors, screws and circuits as the components are really small and do not allow any tolerance for rough handling at all! My Switch is good as new again :) - Thank you iFixit!

    gerhardkoschany - 답글

    My original switch bought on launch day does not have any of these screws. I'm guessing they fell out since the plastic tabs they attach to are broken. FYI, in case anyone else does not have these screws...

    Michael Crook - 답글

  5. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 5 단계, 이미지 2개 중 1개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 5 단계, 이미지 2개 중 2개
    • JIS 000 드라이버 혹은 iFixit PH 000 드라이버를 사용하여 기기 측면에 있는 3.8mm 중앙 나사 두 개를 풀어주세요 (양쪽에 한 개 씩).

    I tried my JIS 000 on Step 5 and was unable to get the screw to budge. It’s partner from the other side came right out with no trouble. Don’t really want to narf up the screw, so I bailed out. Anyone else have this issue?

    mrhoyt - 답글

    Could just be torqued down a bit more! I’d recommend making sure the driver bit seats nicely into the screw, apply some downward pressure, and slowly twist to try and back it out. Good luck!

    Craig Lloyd -

    Yeah I’m having this exact issue. Screw stripped and now I’m stuck. Wish I hadn’t even started.

    Ryan Quinn -

    I did finally get it out- one thing I noticed was some of the screws have blue Loctite on the threads. I guess they figure it’ll get tossed around. This underscores the importance of having the correct tools and making double darn sure you are using the correct size, etc.

    mrhoyt - 답글

    What worked for me here was a Phillips 000, not a JIS 000

    Federico Zivolo - 답글

    One of mine is totally stripped. Guess I can’t do anything now.

    Nick - 답글

    My kit only has two screwdriver heads! The package was open when I received it!

    Cynthia Hyland - 답글

    I had this issue as well. Screw was irreparably stripped. If you can get every other screw out, just keep applying pressure with a flat head screw driver right above the stripped screw and try to break the plastic piece holding onto the screw. It's a very minor invisible bit of damage that will allow you to continue the repair.

    Raymond Garrison - 답글

    after getting all the other screws off I just hinged the back part away and it snapped off neatly where the rusted screw is. not the best solution but it worked.

    Steve T -

    One of my screws was SUPER attached too, but after following a bit noticed the one other in the left that got out nicely, had the plastic tab broken already! So I went ahead and broke the other tab too. So the two side screws are now holding nothing. But I think it will work thanks to the other 4 or 5 screws. Too bad!

    carolaclavo -

    i managed to get out one screw by putting a bit of paper over it which gave the screwdriver something to grip. The other side just won't budge and gets worse the more i try.

    Steve T - 답글

    000 is too small, PH00 is right. Incorrect bit size will strip screws.

    Orpheus - 답글

  6. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 6 단계, 이미지 2개 중 1개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 6 단계, 이미지 2개 중 2개
    • 손가락을 사용하여 기기 후면의 킥스탠드를 펼치세요.

    • microSD 카드 슬롯에 microSD 카드가 있다면, 다음 단계로 진행하기 전에 지금 꺼내세요.

    Don't put your SD card on your magnetic mat.

    Chris Cotter - 답글

  7. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 7 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • JIS 000 드라이버 혹은 iFixit PH 000 드라이버를 사용하여 킥스탠드 웰에서 1.6mm 나사를 풀어주세요.

    • 킥스탠드를 닫으세요.

  8. Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 8 단계, 이미지 3개 중 1개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 8 단계, 이미지 3개 중 2개 Nintendo Switch 후면 패널 교체하기: 8 단계, 이미지 3개 중 3개
    • 게임 카드 카트리지 덮개를 열어주세요.

    • 게임 카드 카트리지 덮개는 반대편 플라스틱 외관에 부착되어 있어서 닫혀 있는 경우 후면 패널을 완전히 들어 올릴 수 없습니다.

    • 후면 패널을 기기 하단에서 들어 올려서 분리하세요.

    How to remove micro SD port?

    Pull straight up, press back into place when closing back up.

    Christopher Hernandez - 답글

    This step is missing in this guide. Here are the steps from another guide:

    Step 9) Nintendo Switch Right Joy Con Sensor Rail Replacement

    Step 10) Nintendo Switch Right Joy Con Sensor Rail Replacement

    David - 답글

    When I lifted up the back cover, it kind of stuck near the headphone port (even with cartridge slot open). But it wasn't a screw or anything and I kind of carefully pulled and wiggled and the cover came off ok

    Doe - 답글

    +1, there is definitely an extra clip there on my day 1 switch

    repofmady -

    I wasn't so careful here and found out during reassembly that I accidentally broke off the clip with the screw hole on the top of the back cover (the clip fell off the device when I turned it over), so I can't put the top screw back in, but oh well at least the back cover is still affixed to the device otherwise

    Justin Johnson -

    Are the little foam pads on the bottom back of the panel needed? They were removed from a panel I have.

    Type1Guy - 답글

    If you're having trouble getting the back cover to fit during reassembly, check to make sure you don't have an SD card inserted in the slot. It will get in the way.

    If you're like me, you might have inserted the SD card to verify your SD reader was working again after doing step 9 reassembly. If so, remove it before proceeding.

    Alex - 답글


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10다른 기여자 명과 함께

Craig Lloyd

회원 가입일: 02/10/16

38,614 평판

안내서 82개를 작성함

댓글 11개

Excellent and concise guide.

The new panel doesn’t come with the sticky grille pieces x 2 on the bottom. Is it supposed to be a straight transfer between the old and the new?

fclbriat123 - 답글

You can transfer the grill to the new back plat

Phillip Norton -

Just did this replacement and there are a few things to keep in mind that this review does not mention. There are x2 square foam pieces that can be transferred to the new panel located at the bottom backside of the old. Also, the game cartridge shield hardware and the kickstand holder hardware have to be taken off the back of the old panel and transferred to the new panel. The kickstand has 2 Phillips #000 screws and the game cartridge shield has 1 Phillips #000 screw

Ryan Talbert - 답글

How do you transfer the foam pieces? Use some heat to loosen their adhesive and then remove them and transfer over the new backplate?

John - 답글

Is the casing the same between the HAC model and the HAD model? This guide doesn’t specify

Julian Webb - 답글

I am using iFixit Pro tool kit. What to do if one of the 000 screw’s cap appears to be stripped off? How to extract it if perchance?

Dr.Genuks - 답글

I had trouble removing the outermost screws, I think they’re actually Y00 as opposed to Y00. Not sure if I’m the only one who’s had an easier time with Y000, if they are I’ll update the wiki

Esme Xuan Lim - 답글

I can’t take out the back screws of my switch with y00 ?

V W - 답글

Detailed guides like this are so helpful!

Swapped the backplates in less than 20 minutes with no issues. I recommend that you press on the screw firmly and turn slowly. Do this and check as you turn and you shouldn't strip any screws.

Yakarot Sennin - 답글

I wanted to support ifixit, and was ok with it being over 3x as expensive as Amazon as it's probably better parts ($13 vs $45). But Amazon had next day delivery whereas here standard is 5-10 days and express is 3-5. I really want to support you guys but you've got to be competitive somehow...

Para Celsus - 답글

Are you guys able to provide the “exact” dimension and thread size for each screw. It would make it easier on use non hardware techies

CG89 - 답글

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