why! N650DU Motherboard
Unlock the button without spring
Slide the battery up while unlocking the button with spring
Unscrew the two large screws circled in red
Unscrew the two small screws circled in green
Slide the plate down and lift the
Unscrew the screw circled in red
Push the drive to the location indicated by the green arrow
Remove the drive from its location
Unscrew the screw circled in red
Disconnect the WLAN card in the direction of the red arrow
Unhook the two connectors circled in green on the WLAN card
Unscrew the two screws circled in red
Disconnect the connector surrounded in green
Remove the fan by lifting the blue framed tab
Unscrew the circled screws in red and green
Put the computer in the position of the second image while pushing a paper clip into the hole of the screw circled in green until you hear a click
Lift the keyboard
To reassemble your device, follow the instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow the instructions in reverse order.
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