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Hi ,i had same problem several times during repair-this is logic board fail-nothing u can do about but notrh bridge may not work correctly or connector is bad(missing pins)...without microskop, repairing ,resoldering,reboling ))logic board.... u can try get rid of DVD ROM and install hard drive internally as a second HD(sure with no first one)...that mean u will boot up from it,and will download some files and etc.Or use your Mac as minimac,imac but not laptop anymore.This is temporary solution b/c this hard drive would be not a primary...You are dealing with broken logic board,period.
더 읽어보기Hi ,i have done with my uni almost the same what you advise and it works!But after a while unit want shuts off,it just do restart,then after one week a have screen turns smoke black color(,from upper right down left corner. Then after one day it want turns on.Done.
더 읽어보기cant tell numbers now...
더 읽어보기Good one !i tryed wd,seagate,toshiba,all 2,5. and 7200 rpm and 5400 rpm...but i have ssd intel brand-should i try ssd?
더 읽어보기When i Booted from cd with internal HDD only, Disk utility does not recognized and could not see internal hdd. restart with opt key down does same result-can see or cd only,or with out cd only blank gray screen with cursor on it.I am booting from internal hdd. Jumpers -not sure that i know how to use jumpers,or simply do not know about it.Do you know how to use it?( just macking sure that hdd board connector is clean ,i cleaned it up from any corrosion an films,and let it stay for 24 hours to dry up by air...let you know next day,Thanks
더 읽어보기Yes it this SATA. And yes ,IT BOOTs from external HD.But Disk Utility cant see internal HD.It just one drive-DVD with OS X in it. Hard Drive is spinning,but seems to me not powered at full .Hard drive cable is good- i check with another 1211 unit.Does work.But i did ordered another one just macking sure.By the way a i have hdd cable from 1150 unit,i think they are same almost.Did not helped. Thanks a Lot for your respond and help
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