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Hi Matt, Most commonly the cause of this pesky problem is dust or lint getting stuck in the USB port on the console itself. Does the charging cable go in snugly with that click you can feel? I’d recommend gently trying to pluck out any debris with some tweezers.
더 읽어보기Sounds like the battery is dead. Apple offers battery replacement for cheap. You could check with the apple store. It's hard to diagnose Li-ion batteries so I can't say fo certain. Ifixit also has batteries you can buy and do the replacement yourself Good luck.
더 읽어보기A button replacement is one of the most simple repairs you can do yourself. If you have a soldering iron and a little know how (or a 4 minute YouTube tutorial). You can buy a simple button on eBay and just replace it yourself. If your device is under warranty. Take it to the apple store. Of you still need advice. Let me know :)
더 읽어보기Hi Colton, My first impression would be that your WiFi access point is having troubles dealing with too many devices. How many devices are you using? And have you considered giving the laptop a static IP address in your modem / access point to make sure it's not an IP issue?
더 읽어보기This is a self repair forum, and thus not the right place to ask this question.
더 읽어보기Does the card have a write lock on it? Most SD cards come with a Write lock now, this is enabled by a small plastic slider on the card itself. please make sure that is not enabled. (http://kb.sandisk.com/euf/assets/images/...)
더 읽어보기Hi Guido, There are multiple ways that your issue arises, And thus there are multiple steps to fix this issue. My first suggestion would be to see if the system can be tightened through conventional means. this can usually be done by tightening the screw on the side of the main enclosure (Usually on the right). It may be that you only have a disc with two holes for a tool, but turning that clockwise should tighten the spring. Another option is to see if the top bar can be adjusted, but I personally recommend against this action. Please let me know if I can assist you further.
더 읽어보기Hey Angela, Most likely scenario is the battery having run dry. I've had to replace the battery of the fob on quite a few keys. I'd love to help you out on the exact SmartKey, but Merc has changed these quite a few time. There should be a small break in the plastic that you can fit a flat scewdriver in, twisting the driver should open the fob and you can see the type of battery required. pop in the replacement and press the fob closed again. Good as new :)
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