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If it spins, but does not drain, the drain hose might be clogged. Does your washer fill while the lid is up? Some do. Some don't. If it does, and if your washer will not spin, the first thing to check is if you hear a click when you shut the lid. You'll be listening for the safety switch to close (turn on) to allow the tub to spin. If you don't hear it, sometimes you can get a plastic table knife or spoon or fork handle (disposable eating utensils) and slide it in the slot that your lid latch goes into, wiggle different directions while the washer is on and set to spin. DON"T use anything metal - plastic only. If it makes the spin cycle start, you probably have something out of position. It might be a broken mounting bracket. If the switch is the problem, and you're pretty handy with tools, it's an easy fix to replace the switch. Sometimes you can see it looking through the slot to confirm that there are 2 wires connected to it Always unplug an appliance before removing covers or doing any repair. If you...
더 읽어보기Has it been dropped or bumped hard? The hard drive might have come partially unplugged. Can you hear or feel it spinning? Is it a hard drive? Do you have a cover on the back to remove to inspect the hard drive Will the DVD ROM tray eject? We really need to know everything you can tell us about your machine. Manufacturer, model, Anything that might have happened to cause the problem or any damage, Did you buy it new, used, from a pawn shop, did you build it?
더 읽어보기If there is not a separate relay: If it only starts when connecting the 2 large wires on the starter, but not when connecting a hot wire to the small wire from the solenoid that goes to the ignition switch, there are possibilities. Either the small wire from solenoid to ignition switch is broken, or the solenoid is bad. Try connecting the small solenoid wire to a hot wire. If that works, but it doesn’t work when you connect a hot wire to the solenoid wire at the ignition switch, then replace wire from switch to starter solenoid. If a hot wire to the solenoid gets no response, the solenoid is bad and you probably should replace the starter. If both of the above things start the motor, the ignition switch is bad. If there is a separate relay: Perform same test (above) except the wire from the ignition switch will go to the relay instead of the solenoid. Try connecting hot wire to small wire on the relay. The relay should make a click sound. If not, the relay is likely no good. If you connect the 2 large...
더 읽어보기In response to original question: Sounds like a circuit breaker switch. If so, and no problem bypassing it, bad switch.
더 읽어보기I know ... old question within an answer. But it might be a new problem for someone else. If you only hear a click and the click is coming from the clutch (not a contactor) and the clutch pulley doesn't turn, my experience has been a bad clutch. If the click comes from a contactor, check the wiring between the contactor and the clutch. Do yourself a favor though. The contactor and clutch solenoid will both "click" without the engine running. Just put something heavy on the seat. Don't troubleshoot the electrical devices on a mower while the engine is running. If everything clicks like it should, remove the weight from the seat. Then sit in the seat and start the engine and engage mower. Then if the blades don't turn you need a clutch. VERY IMPORTANT>>>BEFORE STARTING ENGINE, check for TOOLS UNDER MOWER. After starting engine, MOVE MOWER Before Engaging Blades (in case you missed a tool) I have seen a mower (42" Cub Cadet non-commercial zero turn) throw a softball over 100 yards. I have seen a 36" Wright...
더 읽어보기The needle is probably not seating correctly. The most likely cause is a bad float. A carburetor rebuild should fix it. If you’re pretty handy, it’s pretty easy.
더 읽어보기The switch / wiring is a good place to start. The PTO clutch is next on the list. I made a troubleshooting video on a Cub Cadet Zero turn. It shows how to check the switch and clutch wiring. The troubleshooting is about the same on any machine. It goes on to show clutch replacement, which might help you a little if you determine that is the problem. Back to the wiring though … Did you do a visual inspection to see if something damaged the wiring? That can happen. Did the plug on the switch vibrate loose? Is the chassis ground wire connection tight? Are both battery wires and starter wire tight? Switches usually last a long time, but they do fail sometimes. The intermittent behavior usually indicates a loose connection (which is the exact result when the contactors inside a switch start to deteriorate) A bad switch is the equivalent of a loose wire. However the vast majority of the time, when a clutch coil burns out, it’s out for good How old/how many hours on your machine? Here is my video If you have any...
더 읽어보기There is a filter on the drain line. If the filter is clogged, the water does not drain properly and the result is a terribly unbalanced tub. The machine will literally walk across the room. Look down low for the filter. Maybe behind the front lower panel. Or get owner’s manual to locate it.
더 읽어보기It looks like a spring-driven, mechanical timer. If that’s the case, you’ll probably just need to get a new timer. If you’re pretty handy, it is not difficult to replace. An appliance parts store can get you a timer, but Ebay might have one, and probably much less expensive. Just be sure it is exactly the same, made for your exact dryer model if you go that route. I have to say this. A non-functioning timer could lead to overheating your clothes, therefore be a fire hazard. If you are not sure how to replace the timer, the safer option would be to call a professional appliance repair technician. Get exact cost in advance and compare that to the value of your dryer with its age considered. Then decide if it is worth the money or if you need to replace the dryer . As an example of parts cost. I repaired my Maytag range with a part from Ebay that cost me $8. The appliance parts store wanted close to $80 for the same part. I wish you luck. Always disconnect electricity before removing covers of appliances....
더 읽어보기If you had water in carburetor, some might have made it into the combustion chamber. Be sure that is vacuumed out because too much water will damage your motor when the piston comes up to compress it. (Water cannot be compressed) Are you getting power to the spark plug? Pull the wire off the spark plug. Stick a screwdriver in the end that was connected to the spark plug. Hold it close to a metal part of the motor. Turn over the starter. You should see a spark arc from the screwdriver to the motor. If you can't be sure and you are brave, you can touch the screwdriver while turning over the motor and see if it shocks you. (It's not that bad) If it doesn't spark (or shock you) Check for a magneto or generator. If it has a magneto for providing electricity to the spark plug, you can follow the spark plug wire to a coil mounted on the side of the motor. The coil gets voltage via induction caused by friction when a magnet built onto the flywheel passes by it. check the flywheel for rust on the magnet. Rust can...
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