Hi, Had the same problem with my AMILO XI 3650. Seems to be a very common issue as i found in the net. Its the the receptacle for the charger plug that gives a bad or no contact. Since i could not open the laptop (some hidden screws ??), i just removed only the cover that gives access to the fan and DRAM slots. If you remove the fan (very easy - only 2 screws) you can see this receptacle behind. The problem is the center connector (i.e. + pole) which is neither welded or soldered to its base platen but only pressed in. So, after - in my case - some years of use this connection gets loose due to mechanical stress ( you pull on the cable of your charger now and then) and the consequence is a bad contact. The plastic of my charger plug literally melted because of this bad contact with its high ohmic resistance. After a while, my laptop was completely dead - as yours. Since you cant reach this receptacle with a solder iron by just removing the fan, i drilled a hole of about 10mm in diameter just above the...