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I own a PowerBook G3 pismo and a PowerBook G3 Wallstreet, both have 14,1 inch tft screens, the PB pismo shows a pink tint...
더 읽어보기I replaced my MacBook Air’s battery with a good brand replacement battery and this battery discharges very quickly, even...
더 읽어보기i am told that my travel buddy (a core duo black MacBook) is a unique device because it was on the market only for a...
더 읽어보기I have the same stupid problem with my powerbook g4 late 2005, after replacing the hard disk, ALL the screws did get in...
더 읽어보기I have a really weird, stupid problem, its not my first time a do a repair on apple laptops, i just never had this stupid...
더 읽어보기답변
Apple did remove this feature for replacement batteries, its stupid but that is the way it is, my iphone 6s+ got a battery from apple and its reading the percentage just fine, but my friend got a battery for his 6s from some website and the health meter isn’t working.
더 읽어보기Well if you have the equipment and the knowledge, yes it can be done, but the question is, should you do it? Probably not, its an older macbook and its not worth it
더 읽어보기Touch disease was een groot probleem met de iPhone 6 (plus), volgens mij is er iets mis met je connector, deze kan vuil zijn (de connector is zo klein dat een stofje of vettigheid van je vingers voldoende is om problemen te veroorzaken), of de connector kan wat los gekomen zijn, in het eerste geval: pak wat rubbing alcohol en een antistatisch borsteltje en kuis zowel de moederbord connector als de connector die vastzit aan het scherm, in het 2de geval: als je kennis hebt van solderen kun je proberen om de tin te “reflowen” met een soldeerbout, als je geen kennis hebt van solderen breng je hem best ergens binnen. Ik heb dit probleem gehad bij verschillende modellen iPhones/iPods/iPads en de connectors schoonmaken is 90% van de gevallen voldoende.
더 읽어보기Wat je kan proberen is het volgende: maak een opstartbare usb met el capitan of sierra, kun je doen met de originele ssd of een andere mac, wees er zeker van dat je usb stick opstartbaar is als je option(alt) ingedrukt houdt, en ga zo naar schijfhulp programma, als je ssd daar getoond word, partitioneer ze dan en kies zeker GUID partitietabel als optie. Als dit niet zou werken, probeer je een opstartbare stick te maken met rEFIt erop geinstalleerd (geeft meer opties dan de standaard apple bootmanager) en ga in refit dan naar partitioning tool en probeer zo je ssd te partitioneren. En probeer zeker je ssd eens in een andere computer te stoppen om te zien of die daarin herkent wordt, de kans is enorm klein maar het kan dat je een defecte ssd gekocht hebt. Succes!
더 읽어보기Well, that sounds like you're screen has a loose connector, i sugest you open up the phone, search through the guides to find the guide that is conform woth you're phones model, and that you fix this loose connection, the problem can acure when the phone has been dropped on the floor or that you dropped the phone to hard on a hard surface. Open up the phone, locate the screen connector on re-connect the connection properly, i hope this may help you. Greetings
더 읽어보기Just get a broken 6 plus from eBay or something, the 6S plus is a newer revision of what looks like the same phone, but in fact it is TOTALY different . . . Their is nothing you can use out of a 6s plus that you can use in a normal 6 plus . . .
더 읽어보기Or you just can get you're home button fixed . . . It doesn't cost that much . . .
더 읽어보기Their is one other thing that you can try to do, if you put the imac on a table, screen facing down on a towel or something, you should open the bay where the memory goes, on the bottom left side, look inside the imac with a flashlight, you might see a lila/red colored button, thats the PMU reset button, press it when the unit is OF the power, another thing that crosses my mind and what you can try is resetting the SMC of your imac. Unplug the power, keyboard and mous, press the power button for about 5 seconds, then plug everything back in and see if the imac will boot, if it doesnt, its more likely to have a power supply/analog board faillure due to age. Good luck with your lovely imac :)
더 읽어보기Apple wants you to throw away you're device when the battery starts to lose power over time . . . Some old apple employee even did confess that apple would build in some kind of chip that counts the age of the battery, how many times the battery has been charged and discharged, and that the battery starts to perform less when she meets the days/cycles counts, programmed in this chip, so when the laptop leaves the warrenty period, that the battery (or even some other components) would start to fail over time . . . Even other manufacturers do this kind of stuff, the machine is great when it is still in the garantee-period, but when the garantee period is over (mostly after 2 years), than the device/machine starts to show problems . . . And if you dont beleive me, its very simple, take a washing machine from the early 90's, and you will see that, even today, it will work just fine, but wait 10 years from now, and then you buy a washing machine made in this time right now, you won't get the same performance...
더 읽어보기안내서 댓글
these things are really . . . empty . . . how can they fit a whole ipod on such a small board??? That is so amazing . . . Technology is AWESOME!!!